Putin's puppets in the press praise Biden

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With liberals, it is always projection. After 4 years of calling President Donald John Trump "Putin's puppet," USA Today and the rest of the useless press showed this morning they serve Putin.

Just as Josef Biden does.

In a moronic editorial, USA Today said, "Joe Biden, the U.S. president who in Geneva didn't shame America like Trump in Helsinki."

USA Today's complaint is that Donald Trump was polite to Putin in public.

The dinosaur newspaper declared, "America reclaimed some lost pride Wednesday when President Joe Biden met in Geneva with Russian President Vladimir Putin  – and did so without bowing and scraping to a smug and devious autocrat.

"That's a low bar, to be sure. But it's one that President Donald Trump failed utterly to clear – to the nation's everlasting shame – when he held a meeting with Putin in Helsinki in 2018 and played supplicant to a man impervious to human rights concerns, who leads a nation with only a fraction of America's economic prowess."

However, the New York Times brushed aside human rights concerns as irrelevant. That's a good thing as Josef Biden still has hundreds of dissidents in jail for trespassing on January 6.

The Times said, "No one peered admiringly into anyone’s soul. No one called anyone a killer. By all appearances, President Biden’s much-anticipated meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was not warm, but neither was it hot."

Human rights?

What human rights?

The Times did not mention human rights, and neither did Biden. The Times like USA Today and the rest framed the whole matter as Biden not flattering Putin.

But actions speak louder than words. President Trump took sanctions against Russia in an attempt to halt its construction of a pipeline that would make Germany dependent on Russia for energy.

Trump also lifted Obama's ban on building the Keystone XL pipeline that would deliver Bakken oil to world markets.

Biden lifted those sanctions, and as a bonus to Putin, shut down Keystone XL.

The praise in the American press for Biden is laughable. His whole trip was an embarrassment of riches for our adversaries. America is back, he declared. Yep, back to funding Europe's military defense, and back to being more flexible to Putin.

Max Boot, a tough-talking wimp at the Washington Post, declared, "Biden wiped the smirk off Putin's face."

Sure he did. It is good tp know that Putin will not be smirking when his tanks roll into Kiev.

Not that I care. Ukraine is the world's corruption capital where American politicians go to be paid off. Pelosi's son and Biden's son were not the only kin of politicians to get six-figure salaries for no-show jobs. (OK, in Biden's case it was $1 million a year.)

Speaking of Ukraine, seditious weasel Alexander Vindman reviewed the summit for the New York Times. 

He began by promoting the debunked Russian Collusion theory.

The weasel wrote, "The last time an American president held a summit with President Vladimir Putin of Russia — July 16, 2018, in Helsinki — happened to be my first day working at the White House as National Security Council director for European and Russian affairs. It was not the usual mundane Day 1 of H.R. meetings, to put it mildly. Instead, I was thrust into a vortex of unending press inquiries and hasty meetings with other National Security Council staff members. We were all responding to frantic calls from embassies and congressional aides demanding comments and clarification on President Donald Trump’s bizarre assertion that he seemed to believe Mr. Putin’s (false) denials of interference in the 2016 election at least as much as the assessment of the United States intelligence community."

Liars gotta lie.

Buried in the column was this gem, "The clear problem here is that Russia is coming away with a public relations win while the U.S. has little to show from the summit in terms of tangible improvements to national security. Mr. Putin has once again been elevated to the world stage in a face-off against the world’s pre-eminent superpower in a well-rehearsed and tiresome script that burnishes his credentials as a world leader."

Well, when you claim for 5 years that Putin stole your election, that does give the appearance of omnipotence.

His piece ended in the contradiction that permeates American press coverage of Russia. The press keeps telling us Russia is no big threat. USA Today said its economy is smaller than California's.

But Vindman wrote, "The Biden administration’s approach has to be a combination of sustained engagement, including strategic stability talks with senior national security leaders from both countries, along with calibrated steady pressure to end Russian aggression. Getting that right, without tipping into a full-blown confrontation, is the Biden administration’s Gordian knot." 

If Russia were no big deal, then why would we bother with it? Just do like Alexander the Great and cut Putin's knot.

The '80s called and it wants its foreign policy back, right?

But Russia is a problem. Red China is a bigger problem, but Putin's plan is to restore the Russian Empire that Stalin built. He plans to do it without firing a shot by making Europe dependent on him for energy.

Biden and the American press are all for that, which is why the newspapers are so busy polishing all those road apples that Biden is dropping on his European vacation.

That's the article: Putin's puppets in the press praise Biden
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