Press says spy on Trump, not on us

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The press wasted the weekend trying to cook up another Fake Scandal as it made a big deal about the FBI subpoenaing news outlets and Apple to track down those who leaked classified documents.

BFD. Obama had the FBI spy on Donald John Trump. Obama's move was worthy of Stalin. The American press never protested, and indeed promoted Obama's cover story that President Trump somehow colluded with Putin to win election.

The FBI lied to obtain secret FISA warrants to spy.

We know Obama knew this because his favorite political hack, Susan Rice, read thousands of transcripts from that shady spying. On CNN in April 2017, Rice called her political treachery "unmasking."

FISA was set up to prevent spying on political opponents. Obama figured a way around the safeguards.

The holier-than-thou clowns at WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, and AP never said a word in anger about Obama's SS-style use of the FBI.

But now they are angry at President Trump because FBI investigated Democrats and reporters. There is no evidence whatsoever that he knew about this. 

They are not alone in this hypocrisy.

The big claim is the White House "pressured" the Department of Justice, as if it were an autonomous organization. It is not. The president through his attorney general is in charge. Powerful bureaucrats, though, promote this idea to a gullible press.

That is how you wind up with a J. Edgar Hoover. Only after his death was the depth of his corruption made public.

His successors have been just as powerful. While the FBI is trying to pin the blame on The Donald, I suspect the bureau began this investigation on its own.

The Washington Free Beacon reported, "Peter Strzok, the top FBI investigator on the inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, sent text messages to colleagues in March 2017 speculating that Democrats from the House Intelligence Committee and on the so-called Gang of Eight were behind media leaks.

"The messages could shed new light on a New York Times report that prosecutors subpoenaed Apple for metadata from the phones of Reps. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) and Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.) as part of the leak hunt. Schiff is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and Swalwell has served on the panel since 2015. Prosecutors sought the lawmakers’ records in order to ascertain the sources for stories published in 2017 and 2018 regarding possible links between Trump associates and Russians. Prosecutors empaneled a grand jury as part of the probe, which was quietly closed without charges."

Perhaps the purpose of the FBI investigation was to cover the bureau's tracks. The subpoenas were secret, just like FISA warrants. 

At any rate, it is crazy to believe the FBI would help President Trump in any way, shape, or form.

But the political press in DC is not crazy. Reporters willingly lie, knowing their lies will be believed long after being proved wrong.

CNN allowed Pelosi to disparage President Trump without mentioning Obama's abuse of the FBI and FISA to spy on Donald Trump.

Via the Washington Examiner, Nancy said, "What the Republicans did — what the administration did ... goes even beyond Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon had an enemies list. This is about undermining the rule of law, and for these attorneys general ... or Sessions, at least, to say they, too, didn’t know anything about it is beyond belief."

Ah, but was it worse than Obama?

Nixon's campaign tried -- and failed -- to spy on the McGovern campaign. He never used the FBI to spy because that would be wrong.

Obama used the FBI successfully to spy on Donald Trump's campaign.

CNN did not confront Pelosi on that because CNN knew about it and never reported it, just as CNN knew about Saddam Hussein's torture and abuse of Iraqis and never reported it. 

Evidence? CNN confessed. It only did so because Hussein's evil regime was collapsing in the Iraq War.

The Bush administration took no action against CNN for aiding the enemy.

Obama spied.

The media lied.

Everyone's credibility died.

Who knows what Josef Biden's FBI and the media are up to these days? The press will never tell us.

That's the article: Press says spy on Trump, not on us
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