Highlights of the News

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ITEM 1: Vox reported, "Violent anti-Semitism spiked in America during the Israel-Hamas war. And we don’t know why."

Yes, it is a puzzlement.

Just like violent crime rising following the defunding of the police.

There are no coincidences in politics. Just lefty hate.

ITEM 2: Vox managed to blame Donald John Trump, the first president to have a Jewish daughter, a Jewish son-in-law, and Jewish grandchildren.

Vox said, "It’s entirely possible that it’s random chance, isolated incidents that mean little in the broader scheme of things. It’s also possible that the anti-Semitic attacks are part of the generalized surge in American anti-Semitism since 2016, which most experts link to the rise of Donald Trump and the alt-right movement. But perhaps the scariest possibility is that the US is becoming more like Europe, where anti-Semitic violence during military conflicts involving Israel routinely rises."

The people at Vox are deliberately ignorant.

ITEM 3: Republican Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida signed into law a bill that bans boys from girls sports. The NCAA threatened to pull all events from Florida.

The Daily Wire quoted him from a Fox interview.

He said, "I think as these bills were going through various legislatures, I remember the NCAA put out a statement saying any state that enacts this, we’re not going to hold events there. And so I called the Speaker of the House in Florida and I said, ‘did you hear what they said?’ And he’s like, ‘yeah,’ I said, we definitely got to get this done.

"You can’t be cowed by these organizations, or particularly by woke corporations from doing the right thing. And so my view was throughout this whole time, we have to protect our girls, it is discriminatory to force them to compete against biological males.

"And so if the price of having a tournament is that I have to deny equal opportunity to hundreds of thousands of young girl and women athletes throughout Florida, I am much more willing to stand with the girls. And to hell with these events."

I wish the NCAA good luck on moving the Orange Bowl to Buffalo.

ITEM 4: The News Motion reported, "Israel’s parliament elected the even-keeled Labor veteran Isaac Herzog as its 11th president Wednesday, a vote that came as opposition lawmakers scrambled to forge a coalition to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Herzog, 60, beat former headmistress Miriam Peretz to replace President Reuven Rivlin, who was elected in 2014 to the largely ceremonial position decided by the parliament, or Knesset.

"Wednesday’s presidential vote came as Israeli politicians from across the spectrum were holding 11th-hour negotiations to cobble together a new administration aimed at ending Prime Minister Netanyahu’s 12 straight years in office."

Bibi had a good run.

Let us see if Israel survives without him.

ITEM 5: Hamas-Shielding AP reported, "The world’s largest meat processing company has resumed most production after a weekend cyberattack, but experts say the vulnerabilities exposed by this attack and others are far from resolved.

"Brazil-based JBS SA notified the U.S. government of a ransom demand from the ransomware gang REvil, which is believed to operate in Russia, according to a person familiar with the situation who is not authorized to discuss it publicly.

"REvil has not posted anything related to the hack on its dark web site. But that’s not unusual. Ransomware syndicates as a rule don’t post about attacks when they are in initial negotiations with victims — or if the victims have paid a ransom.

"It’s not clear if JBS paid a ransom. The White House referred questions about the ransom demand to the company, but JBS hasn’t discussed it in its public statements. Phone and email messages seeking comment were left with the company Wednesday."

Smithfield, owned by Red China, was not hit.

Does Hunter get a kickback because the FBI seems to be moving at the speed of frozen molasses on these ransomware cases.

Maybe if someone reported the hackers displayed a noose, the FBI would send 15 agents.

ITEM 6: Scum of the Day.

ABC reported, "The former CEO of Make-A-Wish Iowa has pleaded guilty to charges of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from the charity that supports sick children and their families.

"Jennifer Woodley admitted in a written guilty plea last week that she made unauthorized charges on a foundation credit card, gave herself an unapproved bonus and salary increases and made false entries into foundation records related to those expenses.

"Woodley, 40, pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree theft and one count of fraudulent practices, all felonies. Under a plea agreement, prosecutors will recommend a sentence of five years of probation, along with fines and restitution."

The scum is the prosecutor who made this plea bargain.

Woodley stole $41,000 from dying kids and the prosecutor lets her walk with no time in prison. And her attorney wants to arrange it so her felony is expunged from her record. They let her move to Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Judge Scott Beattie should ignore the prosecutor and sentence Woodley to the maximum term.

That won't happen.

Blonde privilege.

ITEM 7: Breaking 911 reported, "A Florida man pleaded guilty today to crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 which disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election.

"According to court documents, Paul Hodgkins, 38, of Tampa, Florida, entered the U.S. Capitol building at approximately 2:50 p.m. on Jan. 6. Around 3 p.m., Hodgkins entered the Senate chamber, walked among the desks, and then removed eye goggles. He took a “selfie-style” photograph with his cell phone and walked down the Senate well where, a few feet away, several individuals were shouting, praying and cheering using a bullhorn. Hodgkins walked toward the individuals and remained standing with them while they continued commanding the attention of others. At approximately 3:15 p.m., Hodgkins exited the Senate chamber and the U.S. Capitol Building.

"Hodgkins pleaded guilty to one count of obstructing an official proceeding, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, fine of $250,000 or twice the monetary gain or loss of the offense. He is scheduled to be sentenced on July 19 at 10 a.m."

In communist states, dissidents face harsh sentences of up to 20 years.

ITEM 8: Life News reported, "A North Carolina state Senate committee passed a pro-life bill Wednesday to protect unborn babies with Down syndrome from discrimination.

"The Human Life Non-Discrimination Act (state House Bill 453) would prohibit abortionists from knowingly doing an abortion that is sought because of the unborn baby’s race or the likelihood that he or she has Down syndrome.

"Pro-life lawmakers said they want to end 'discriminatory eugenic abortions' in North Carolina, and the law would add to the 2013 ban on discriminatory sex-selection abortions."


And once this is law, extend this protection to all non-Down syndrome babies.

ITEM 9Charles Glasser reported, "California’s state constitution requires that the California Supreme Court review clemency requests by the Governor that involve twice-convicted felons. ('The Governor may not grant a pardon or commutation to a person twice convicted of a felony except on recommendation of the Supreme Court, 4 judges concurring.') You’d think in a state where it takes a lot to be arrested, tried, and convicted of a crime that’s a good thing.

"But if you were Jerry Brown or Gavin Newsome, you’d think otherwise. Protecting criminals seems as important to them as protecting citizens and victims, so when the First Amendment Coalition filed requests to see the clemency requests, the former and current governor pretended each time, in the words of one pro bono lawyer on the case, that 'rather than abide by the Court’s rulings against complete secrecy, the Governor/Attorney General repeated the same arguments, every time, as if the Supreme Court had never addressed the issue.'

"Not anymore. Last week, the California Supreme Court, en banc, announced a rule change – rejecting the Governor’s automatic confidentiality stance – stating that the contents of records filed by the Governor will be evaluated for their confidentiality on a case-by-case basis."

Following the state constitution in California.

Now there is a novel idea.

ITEM 10: American Military News reported, "The Pentagon is examining a Trump-era policy that restricts the types of flags that can be flown on military bases, according to a senior defense official, CNN reported Tuesday.

"The consideration comes as the nation kicks off Pride Month, a celebration to honor the LGBTQ community."

Someone should sue to force them to fly a Christian flag.

Equal time, bro.

By the way, the nation did not kick off the month. Activists did.

ITEM 11: The Daily Mail reported, "Dr. Anthony Fauci is set to release a book on COVID and appear in a new Disney-backed documentary despite being accused of multiple flip-flops on the virus 

"On Tuesday, it was revealed that the infectious disease expert, 80, will publish a tome titled 'Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward'. It will be released by National Geographic Books on November 2.  

"A spokesperson from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told DailyMail.com that Fauci won't be paid for the project. Both Barnes & Noble and Amazon have listed the 80-page book for pre-order at the price of $18."

So, he gets a book deal AND a flattering biopic from Disney.

The media rewards incompetence.

ITEM 12: Hold your tickets.

It ain't over yet.

PJ Media reported, "And Just Like That, Dr. Fauci’s Book Has Been Pulled From Presales."

The publisher is getting cold feet as calls rise for investigating his email exchanges with his Red Chinese counterpart.

PJ Media said, "This is being announced by National Geographic Books, the publisher as well as the production outfit of an announced documentary on the doctor, as having been a premature announcement. This is, to put it politely, an amusing serving of PR spin. To put it impolitely, it is garbage excuse-making. Clearly there either was a case of conflicting information in the book, when balanced against the details in the communications, or there was an effort at purely burnishing Dr. Fauci’s image and the hard facts coming to light are in conflict with that attempt — and probably both."

Add National Geographic to the list of institutions destroyed by the left.

Oh, and on May 19 (Item 8) I wrote, "Tony Fauci is about to become the fall guy for the Covid Conspiracy, which wrecked the economy to elect Biden.

"And with a $400,000 per year salary sucking at the federal teat, the quack is totally cool with that."

I refuse to call him doctor because he is no more a doctor than Jill Biden is. He's a medicrat.

ITEM 13: YouGovAmerica reported, "Most Americans now believe the coronavirus originated from a laboratory in China."

The story said, "Most Americans (58%) now put the origins of COVID-19 in a Chinese laboratory — up from 49% when YouGov first asked this question in May 2020. Two in five Democrats (43%) believe it’s probably true the virus had a laboratory beginning, a 10-point increase since last year (33%). Two-thirds of Independents (65%) now think the coronavirus originated from a laboratory in China, up 17 points from last year."

So despite the media instantly stating the theory was debunked, 49% believed the theory a year ago.

Media trust is at an all-time low.

It should go lower because the media is garbage.

ITEM 14: Just the News reported, "A Facebook fact-checker, as part of the social media platform's efforts to weed out misinformation about the origins of the coronavirus, cited as an expert a major funder of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the lab over which speculation has swirled for the past year that the virus potentially originated. 

"Science Feedback, one of Facebook's chief fact-checking platforms, in a February 2020 fact check cited Peter Daszak as an expert source in its ruling that there was no evidence to support the theory that the COVID-19 virus leaked from the lab.

"Daszak has become well known as a major bankroller of coronavirus experiments at the Wuhan lab in the years leading up to the pandemic. At least one major virologist has claimed that Daszak's nonprofit, EcoHealth Alliance, helped fund lab experiments that were then used in risky gain-of-function virology research. 

"Facebook over the past year aggressively censored various journalistic inquiries into COVID-19, including most prominently allegations that the SARS-Cov-2 virus may have arisen in the Chinese lab."

Fact-checking is actually fact-scrubbing, as the lefties scour the truth from their lies.

ITEM 15: Oh no, they created the mess. Make them stay.

Build a 30-foot wall around New York City and every blue state.

Quarantine them all to prevent their infection from spreading.

ITEM 16: Breitbart reported, "A federal judge dismissed Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit against the city of Lubbock, Texas, in which citizens voted to approve an ordinance that outlaws abortion within the city’s limits.

"Late Tuesday night U.S. District Judge James Wesley Hendrix dismissed the lawsuit brought by the abortion provider and the American Civil Liberties Union due to a lack of jurisdiction."

They drew a Trump judge.

Better luck next time, baby killers.

ITEM 17: The New York Times tweeted, "Dartmouth’s medical school accused 17 students of cheating on remote exams after retroactively tracking students' activity without their knowledge, raising questions about data mining and sowing mistrust on campus."

17 medical students cheating on exams raises questions about their ability and sows mistrust between Dartmouth doctors and their patients.

The Times stopped being a serious newspaper decades ago.

By the way, the Times uses cookies at its site.

ITEM 18: Just the News reported, "President Biden and West Virginia GOP Sen. Shelley Moore Capito met together on Wednesday and intend to meet again on Friday as they engage in talks about potentially reaching a bipartisan consensus on infrastructure spending legislation."

Meanwhile, the state's other senator, Democrat Joe Manchin, is blocking efforts to kill the filibuster.

Odd that the Trumpian Red state of West Virginia's two senators have become keys to Chairman Biden's domestic policy success. 

ITEM 19: The Epoch Times reported, "A report from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce warned that a recent labor shortage plaguing businesses nationwide is worsening, describing the situation as a 'national economic crisis.'

"The Chamber’s report released Tuesday found that the United States had a record 8.1 million vacant job openings in March—the last month where data was available—noting it was an increase of 600,000 from February."

Raise wages.

Problem solved.

Be wary of Chamber claims because the Chamber is woke and wants open borders. The Chamber also supports Red China.

ITEM 20: The New York Post reported, "AOC slammed for not helping grandma in hurricane-hit Puerto Rico home."

The story said, "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was hammered on Twitter Wednesday after she posted a lengthy thread highlighting the plight of her grandmother in storm-ravaged Puerto Rico."

Someone suggested Li'l Red Riding Rep sell her Tesla and use the proceeds to help grandma out.

Oh my gosh. Using logic on a communist could short-circuit her.

ITEM 21: NBC reported, "The new White House science adviser wants to have a vaccine ready to fight the next pandemic in just about 100 days after recognizing a potential viral outbreak.

"In his first interview after being sworn in Wednesday, Eric Lander painted a rosy near future where a renewed American emphasis on science not only better prepares the world for the next pandemic with plug-and-play vaccines, but also changes how medicine fights disease and treats patients, curbs climate change and further explores space. He even threw in a Star Trek reference."

100 days.

Lander has watched too many Star Trek episodes.

Let's call him what he is: the next Fauci.

ITEM 22: When insulting a sovereignty ask what Stalin asked: How many divisions does the pope have?

Saudis have F-15s.

ITEM 23Just the News reported, "Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush has announced a bid to serve as the Lone Star State's attorney general. Bush is son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the nephew of former President George W. Bush and the grandchild of former President George H.W. Bush who passed away in 2018."

The Republican Beto.

George P. and Liz 2032. America Kin Do Better.

ITEM 24: The Daily Caller reported, "New Star Wars Movies Are ‘Mediocre And Schlocky,’ Ninth Circuit Court Rules."

The case involved calling Wesson Oil "100% natural."

Con-Agra, which no longer owns Wesson Oil, promised not call Wesson Oil "100% natural" if it ever acquires Wesson Oil again.

Which it has no plans to do.

Judge Kenneth K. Lee wrote, "That is like George Lucas promising no more mediocre and schlocky ‘Star Wars’ sequels shortly after selling the franchise to Disney."

I only saw the original Star Wars film, but apparently the decision was more entertaining than the sequels.

ITEM 25Jim Geraghty wrote, "The Utterly Embarrassing Failure to Quickly Send Extra U.S. Vaccine Doses Overseas."

His column said, "When the president says that the United States will be sending vaccines starting this month, should it take six weeks to decide how it’s going to ship the vaccines? To put it in a vernacular the president would find familiar, pick a hard-hit country and load up the planes, man! The Indians look like they’re in really rough shape, and they’ve generally been nice to us, let’s help them out! Since Biden made his announcement on May 4, more than 108,000 Indian citizens have died from COVID-19! What is everybody waiting for? Kidney stones move faster than this!"

I am no expert on medical logistics.

Neither is Geraghty.

Button up, buttercup. There are plenty of things to criticize. This ain't one.

FINALLY, Green Acres we are there!

1966 Lincoln Continental with suicide doors.

Dah-ling I love you but give me a Park Avenue.

Buick Park Avenues came later. The closest I could find was a '66 Mercury Park Lane.

They made them as hardtops, too?


That's the article: Highlights of the News
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