Trump lawsuit will protect lefties as well as conservatives

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Remember when President Donald John Trump did what every other Twitter user does and blocked people? The media went ape-doodoo over it. Somehow the inability of reporters to mock his tweets was a violation of their First Amendment rights. Some Obama judge agreed and they were unblocked.

But when Twitter banned President Trump, the media was silent. Many reporters congratulated Twitter.

Free speech means nothing to these dummies. They believe being Pravda somehow protects them from the gulags once a post-constitutional regime takes over.

Their hero, Mao, put anyone with a college degree in the labor camps. Dictators take no chances. The thought of Maureen Dowd working a rice paddy amuses me. In the labor camp, there is no red hair dye.

Now Donald Trump announced he will file a class-action lawsuit against Twitter, Facebook, and Google for censorship. Yes, there is such a thing as non-governmental censorship. Its legality deserves judicial review.

Axios reported, "The filing, Trump said, seeks immediate injunctive relief to allow the prompt restoration of his social media accounts. He also said he is asking the court to impose "punitive damages" on the three social media giants.

"Trump's legal effort is supported by the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), a non-profit focused on perpetuating Trump's policies, through a new legal entity called the Constitutional Litigation Partnership.

"AFPI's president and CEO and board chair, former Trump officials Linda McMahon and Brooke Rollins, accompanied him during the announcement."

The Axios report was focused and fact-based.

The New York Times was its usual bloviating self.

Its headline shouted, "Trump announces a lawsuit against tech firms for censoring him, and fund-raises off it."

And NYT used the story to fund-raise.

Of course, NYT fund-raises off every story it posts. Its paywall is down to $1 a week.

The story said, "Former President Donald J. Trump announced on Wednesday plans to sue three tech giants — Facebook, Twitter and Google — and the firms’ chief executives after the platforms have taken various steps to ban him or block him from posting.

"Mr. Trump, speaking from his Bedminster, N.J., golf club, announced he will serve as the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit, arguing he has been censored wrongfully by the tech companies. Speaking about 'freedom of speech' and the First Amendment — which applies to the government, not private-sector companies — Mr. Trump called his lawsuit a 'very beautiful development.'

"His political operation immediately began fund-raising off it."

Well, that is how things go today.

Not only have we politicized everything, we have commercialized it as well. I don't do fund-raising. I do ads. President Trump does fund-raising, but not ads.

NYT does both.

The story said, "Social media companies are allowed, under current law, to moderate their platforms and remove postings that violate their standards. They are protected by a provision, known as Section 230, that exempts internet firms from liability for what is posted on their networks and also allows them to remove postings that violate their standards."

The problem with those standards are that they are vague and ever-changing.

Social media outlets have shown a pattern for silencing conservatives and working in concert to silence individuals. Online services such as PayPal also work to kneecap conservative social media startups.

President Trump told reporters, "Our case will prove this censorship is unlawful, unconstitutional and completely un-American.  If they can do it to me, they can do it to anyone."

Those last 13 words are ominous because if a president of the United States is not safe from these corrupt and incorrigible corporations, no one is.

NYT reporters, editors, executives, and investors are being naïve if they believe they are safe.

No one is.  Not me. Not you.

Internet oligarchs should consider Jack Ma. He purportedly was the richest man in Red China. He fell out of favor in October. No one has seen him since March.

That's the article: Trump lawsuit will protect lefties as well as conservatives
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