Now they call being a Republican treason

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Abe Lincoln was the first Republican president. A Democrat assassinated him. Now Democrats and Fake Republicans are using Lincoln's name to assassinate the Republican Party.

The Lincoln Project recruited and hired Joe Trippi, a longtime Democrat activist, to derail Republican efforts to win back Congress next year. His conservative credits include Ted Kennedy's 1980 presidential bid and John Edwards in 2008. 

Trippi wrote in USA Today, "There are no longer two healthy parties in America. The catastrophic mistake for our nation is to continue to see the fight as Democrats vs. Republicans, left vs. right. We are at war with an authoritarian movement fueled by former President Donald Trump. It includes many of the 147 Republicans who signed on to treason with their Jan. 6 votes objecting to Joe Biden's win, and it has grown since then."

Trippi is calling for One People, One Nation, One Leader!

His argument is that President Trump is an authoritarian, when the opposite is true. A real strongman would have used covid 19 as an excuse to postpone the 2020 election indefinitely. A real authoritarian would jail dissidents indefinitely for minor crimes without trial -- as Josef Biden is doing with the people who entered the Capitol on January 6. A real authoritarian would have had the military shut down the real insurrections last summer by Antifa and BLM.

Naming this anti-American project after Lincoln is an old communist trick. In the 1930s, communists recruited the Lincoln Brigade (also known as the Lincoln Battalion) of Americans to fight alongside the communists in the Spanish Civil War.

Trippi wrote, "Every American, every corporation, the news media and the social platforms need to understand that there are no longer two functioning political parties in our country. Straddling between them is failing to understand our circumstances and the threat of an authoritarian movement that seeks to take power by any means. It’s time for all Americans to join this fight. Not one party over another. But all Americans against an authoritarian movement and its poison until it dies and another generation of Americans ensures that our democracy lives."

What Trippi is calling for is an authoritarian government to coerce Americans into having but one political party with no opposition, While we mock Never Trumpers, they seem to have the upper hand. No major media outlet -- not even Fox -- supports any review of the irregularities in the 2020 election. Indeed, the media silences those who dare raise questions. 

Social media outlets already are working in concert to de-platform conservatives. 

Republicans voting against Democrats in the House is now treason. The left no longer is satisfied with going after Trump voters. The left is after all the opposition. Are you now or have you ever been a Republican?

This smacks of the desperation facing Democrats who know that Donald Trump upset them on November 3 so badly that they had to Xerox off thousands of mail-in ballots at the last minute to make it appear they won. Mind you, this came after their cheating.

That they got away with it disturbs me. 

We are close to losing our nation to government of the government, by the government, and for the government.

Under Lincoln's banner.

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