Highlights of the News

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ITEM 1: Forbes said, "Trump Demands Identity Of Officer Who Shot Capitol Rioter Ashli Babbitt Despite DOJ ‘Self-Defense’ Finding."

If the killer is such a hero, then name him and hold a tickertape parade for him.

Just remember this case the next time the Pretorian Press demands to know someone's name.

ITEM 2: The Supreme Court upheld Arizona's voting integrity law, which bans having political hacks from gathering mail-in ballots.

Protecting secret ballots is voting rights.

Sadly, even Just the News toes the Democrat Party line that ballot harvesting is "voting rights." It is voting wrongs.

That said, Republicans in the 49 other states better learn to ballot harvest.

ITEM 3: The Conservative Brief reported, "A federal judge has ruled to unseal dozens of documents pertaining to disgraced philanthropist Ghislaine Maxwell’s personal affairs including her and Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship with the Clintons.

"Disgraced financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein reportedly committed suicide in jail while awaiting trial on August 10, 2019, prompting theories over his death to emerge.

"Judge Loretta Preska ruled on Thursday that documents about Maxwell’s confidential affairs should be unsealed within the next two weeks. The judge argued that unsealing the documents, which have been long sought after by the press, would not impede Maxwell’s right to a fair trial as her lawyers have claimed."

She is a Bush 41 appointee.

Someone on Twitter already started the hashtag #GhislaineMaxwellDidNotKillHerself.

ITEM 4: The Border Report reported, "A small group of [illegal aliens] on Tuesday allegedly burglarized a Hudspeth County home and stole, among other things, two loaded handguns and ammunition, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said.

"U.S. Border Patrol agent from the Big Bend Sector’s Sierra Blanca Station responded to the home in Sierra Blanca, Texas, and encountered the three [criminals].

"Agents said they searched the men and found two loaded handguns, ammunition, food, and clothing, but not before securing the area."

I guess the illegal aliens did not get the message that border jumping is BYOG -- Bring Your Own Gun.

ITEM 5: NPR reported, "The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday sided with rich donors and their desire to remain anonymous against a state law aimed at policing the finances of charities and other nonprofits.

"By a 6-3 vote along ideological lines, the court struck down California's law requiring nonprofits to file a list of their large donors with the state. The court said the law subjected donors to potential harassment, chilling their speech in violation of the 1st Amendment

"Under the California law, the tax-exempt groups were to attach to their filings with the state a copy of their IRS form reporting the names and addresses of all donors who gave more than $5,000 or 2% of the organization's total donations."

Does NPR list every individual donor with address and amount donated?

Odd that the same press that protects a cop who killed an unarmed woman wants to know the name of everyone who donates to charities, especially after a $1,000 donation to a Proposition 8 campaign cost Brendan Eich his job as CEO of the parent company of Firefox.

The object of the law is not to police finances but to intimidate donors to conservative causes. 

ITEM 6: KARE reported, "Minneapolis City Council Vice President Andrea Jenkins released a statement after an incident over the weekend where activists surrounded a vehicle she was riding in and didn't allow the vehicle drive away until she signed a document filled with multiple demands.

"One of the activists, Donald Hooker Jr., posted video on his Facebook account showing the activists blocking the vehicle, which Jenkins is seen riding in the passenger seat.

"In her statement, Jenkins claimed she was verbally attacked and 'held hostage against my will.'"

BLM does not stand for Black Lives Matter.

It stands for Black Liberation Movement, and its intent is to impose Marxism. When they achieve power, Marxists then attack and destroy one another.

ITEM 7: The Guardian reported, "A Los Angeles judge denied a request to remove Britney Spears’s father from her conservatorship on Wednesday.

"Though the decision was filed a week after Spears called for an end to the 'abusive' arrangement in an emotional speech, it is not a direct response to the 39-year-old’s most recent criticism of her conservatorship.

"The documents were filed in a response to a request Spears’s attorney made in November to remove her father as sole conservator. At the time, her attorney, Samuel Ingham III, said Spears was afraid of her father, Jamie Spears.

"In November, Los Angeles superior court judge Brenda Penny declined to remove Jamie Spears and added a trust as the co-conservator of her estate. The documents filed on Wednesday affirm this decision and underline that Jamie Spears is still a conservator."

I don't know if this is the right decision. I do know as a father, I would do all I could to protect my child. And I also know that NYT is pushing Free Britney Spears as hard as it pushed Russian Collusion.

ITEM 8: The New York Post reported, "President Biden struck an odd tone near the site of the Florida building collapse Thursday as he talked about finding a good side to the disaster that left at least 18 dead and nearly 150 missing."


Josef Biden said, "You know what’s good about this? We’re letting the nation know we can cooperate — and when it’s really important."

Dear Democrats, the next time you steal an election, please select a candidate with a heart. Brains are overrated. Hearts matter.

ITEM 9: Just the News reported, "A scientist who credits himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and has warned that they carry risks downplayed in the COVID-19 pandemic, said this week that LinkedIn shut down his personal account without explanation.

"'The historic record of what I have done, stated, figured out (and when) etc. over time is a key part of establishing my credibility and track record as a professional,' Robert Malone tweeted Wednesday. 'And that has been erased completely and arbitrarily without warning or explanation.'

"He pays for the premium version of LinkedIn for the biotech and government consulting business he runs with his wife Jill, Malone said. That page remains live, but its last post, which highlighted his mRNA vaccine patents, is three weeks old." 

First they came for Donald Trump...

ITEM 10: Just the News reported, "Rep. Liz Cheney said Thursday she is honored to be named to the select committee tasked with probing the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

"Cheney, one of two House Republicans who earlier this week voted in favor of forming the committee, was appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat."

Daddy Deep State must be so proud.

ITEM 11: Kane at Citizen Free Press reported, "Taliban seizes 700 US Army vehicles..."

He added, $5 trillion down the drain.

We should have offered the Taliban 700 vehicles in exchange for Osama bin Laden on September 12, 2001.

Let's make this our last foreign war.

ITEM 12Politico reported, "Tucker Carlson has told multiple people that he voted for pop star Kanye West last year instead.

"Shortly after the presidential election, the Fox News host started telling some program guests that he had cast his ballot for West, according to two people familiar with those conversations. Given Carlson’s fierce on-air commentary in favor of Trump, the guests were left wondering if Carlson was serious or merely joking."

He's back to being Cucker Tarlson.

ITEM 13CNN reported, "The Covid-19 pandemic increased the number of people at risk for human trafficking as traffickers took advantage of the social and economic crisis created by the global outbreak, the State Department said in a report released Thursday."

This is a report on how all the countries of the world are dealing with the problem.

But Josef Biden's minions politicized it. The report said, "Of further concern, experts have identified the strategic production and dissemination of false narratives about sex trafficking by white supremacists and other extremists, including violent extremists, in the United States as a means of recruiting new members. 

"These groups have found success in exploiting the public's concerns about child sex trafficking, using false information as a gateway to radicalize members."

Thus, Josef Biden is more worried about domestic political opposition than he is children being molested and prostituted.

ITEM 14: Red China's communist party celebrated its 100th birthday on Thursday.

The Epoch Times reported, "Since its founding in 1921 and then coming to power in 1949, the Party has launched wave after wave of mass atrocities causing tens of millions of unnatural deaths and the destruction of traditional Chinese culture and values.

"To this day, the communist regime persecutes millions of religious believers, ethnic minorities, and dissidents, aided by advanced technology to surveil and control its citizens. Those ensnared by the Party’s repression have suffered detention, torture, forced labor, surveillance, and even forced organ harvesting.

"In Xinjiang Province, Beijing has deployed a sweeping clampdown against Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities, detaining more than 1 million in a network of internment camps. The campaign has been designated a genocide by the U.S. government and other Western countries’ parliaments.

"Meanwhile, Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan Buddhists, and house Christians are targeted across China in what U.S. officials have described as the regime’s war against faith."

It was a dark day in history. Pray for the 50 million Chinese people killed by Mao and his heirs.

ITEM 15: The New York Times (which I never link) said, "China’s ruling Communist Party kicked off a tightly choreographed ceremony celebrating its 100th anniversary on Thursday with a 100-gun salute as thousands of performers assembled on Tiananmen Square."

NYT gushed, "The streams of Communist Party youth groups in color-coordinated uniforms had filed onto the square from all directions at the beginning of the ceremony as dawn rose.

"They mostly wore polo shirts in lime green, pale orange or bright red. Most wore black or white pants, but some of the young women were in matching poodle skirts that would not have looked out of place in the 1950s. A military brass band in dress blues filed into the back of the Great Hall of the People.

"Thursday’s festivities did not include a military parade like the one in 2019 that celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, but the military still provided a backdrop. Squadrons of helicopters flew over, carrying red banners and forming the figure 100, followed by fighter jets, including the country’s most advanced fighter jet, the J-20."

No mention was made of the slavery, forced labor camps, forced sterilization, genocide, re-education camps, organ harvesting, and other atrocities committed by Red China.

ITEM 16: Mediaite reported, "Former President Donald Trump is reportedly thrilled by the news that the Trump Organization and Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg will be indicted, saying that he thinks the case will be a political liability for President Joe Biden.

"News of the indictments on tax-related charges reached Trump during a conference call with advisers on Monday, one of whom told Politico Playbook that Trump was thrilled and convinced the case would hurt Sleepy Joe.

"The former president was on a conference call with his advisers Monday discussing his favorite topic — revenge — when he was interrupted with an update on the Manhattan D.A.’s investigation. He would not be personally indicted, Trump was told — only Weisselberg and the Trump Organization would be. Trump was thrilled by what he saw as light charges, and according to one of the advisers on the call, his mind raced to 2024."

The charges are Mickey Mouse and bogus.

Just like the Mueller charges were.

Just like the charge against Scooter Libby was.

ITEM 17: Okay Africa reported, "Nigeria's Kano State has banned the use of clothing mannequins citing that it promotes immoral thoughts and goes against Islam's Sharia law."

Oh those foolish Muslims.

Flashback to May 12, 2017, when the Guardian reported, "Female mannequins aren't just skinny, they're emaciated. A new study has found that female mannequins, but not male ones, represent extremely underweight women."

When you view liberalism as a religion for atheists, it makes a little more sense. Not much, but some.

ITEM 18: The Post Millennial reported, "Is Kamala Harris' job too hard? Should the Biden administration, or as they like to call it, the Biden Harris administration, be giving Harris' easier tasks to manage? According to Ezra Klein of The New York Times, the answer is yes. These problems Harris' has been asked to handle, from root causes of immigration and the border to police reform, voting rights, and vaccine hesitancy just aren't setting Harris' up for success, posits Klein.

"It's hard to see this op-ed as anything other than a softly bigoted rant about how Harris can't handle the tough jobs if the Dems want her to take the presidency in 2024. As a black woman who may intend to run for president in just a few years, who will be up against men as well as voter bias against her gender and race, Harris', Klein believes, should be given easier problems to tackle."

That is the problem with affirmative action. It leads to hiring useless people.

But she checks off 3 boxes (black, Indian, female) and that is all that matters in Washington now.

ITEM 19: The New York Post reported, "A black parents’ group from Queens plans to ramp up pressure on the Department of Education through the courts and political action.

"The newly formed Students Improvement Association — which has ripped the low school performance in southeast Queens despite high DOE spending — pledged to dig in against the agency."

"The story also said, "Despite spending $27,000 per student at PS 134 in Hollis, only 6% of fifth-graders passed their state math exams in 2019, SIA noted."

Instead of suing and organizing, they should be embarrassed by how poorly their children do in school.

Taxpayers are doing their job.

The parents aren't.

They would rather sue and cause a ruckus than do their jobs as parents.

ITEM 20: That's DOCTOR Couch.

How is she doing as first lady?

Sofa, so good.

ITEM 21: ABC reported, "Overturning a landmark $1.5 million jury verdict, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that former Gov. Terry Branstad did not illegally discriminate or retaliate against a gay state official.

"The court found no evidence that Branstad had knowledge that then-Iowa Workers' Compensation Commissioner Chris Godfrey was gay when his administration tried to push Godfrey out of state government in 2011.

"Although Godfrey's status as one of Iowa's first openly gay public officials was widely known, it's pure speculation that Branstad had ever been aware of that, Justice Christopher McDonald wrote. The evidence does not support a conclusion that Branstad was anti-gay because he had employed other gay men, he added.

"The ruling overturned a 2019 verdict in which jurors found Branstad and his former legal counsel violated the Iowa Civil Rights Act by discriminating and retaliating against Godfrey based on his sexual orientation. Jurors also found that they violated Godfrey's rights based on his Democratic Party affiliation and awarded Godfrey $1.5 million in damages for emotional distress.

"Wednesday's ruling ordered a court to dismiss all of Godfrey’s claims, ending a case that lasted a decade, made three trips to the Iowa Supreme Court and cost taxpayers millions of dollars in legal fees."

His Gay Card got rejected by some pretty brave justices.

ITEM 22Reuters reported, "Workers identifying as Black+ or Latinx+ left Google at higher rates in 2020 than in 2019, the company said on Thursday in its latest annual diversity report.

"What Google calls an attrition index, with 100 as a baseline, registered at 121 in 2020 for Black+ workers in the United States compared with 112 in 2020. For Latinx+ employees, it jumped to 105 last year from 97. Attrition soared to 146 from 110 for Black+ women, though it fell to 81 from 93 for Latinx+ women. 

"For White+, attrition dropped to 112 from 117, falling across both men and women. 

"Google last year committed to increasing retention of racial minorities and other groups by increasing support staffing and programs. But some people from underrepresented backgrounds have said they continue to feel unwelcome in the tech industry, and they also remain high in demand elsewhere as companies compete to increase diversity."

I remember when companies hired based on competence, not skin color.

ITEM 23Just the News reported, "Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Thursday night a moratorium on federal executions while the Justice Department carries out a review regarding its policies and procedures."

President Trump resumed them.

Cuomo kills 15,000 grannies, and no one seems to care.

Trump kills a granny killer, they go ape.

What does the left have against grannies?

FINALLY, they unveiled a statue of Princess Di on Thursday.

Forget asking who killed her. I want to know what happened to her daughter and her black son.

That's the article: Highlights of the News
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