Highlights of the News

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Happy Canada Day. I am going to Tim Horton's to enjoy some Canadian cuisine.

ITEM 1: Zero Hedge reported, "A Manhattan grand jury has filed the anticipated indictments against Trump Org and longtime CFO, Alan Weisselberg, who will reportedly turn himself in tomorrow, according to the Washington Post. The indictments containing the specific charges will be unsealed on Thursday afternoon, however people familiar with the case say the charges are related to allegations of unpaid taxes on benefits enjoyed by Trump Organization executives.

"Not exactly money laundering for Russian mobsters, as the Rachel Maddows of the world have been hinting at for over four years."

The next Republican president should investigate the Bidens, the Obamas, Hillary, and the entire staff of the Mueller witch hunt.

Turnabout is not only fair play, it is necessary for the survival of the United States as a constitutional republic. We are a banana republic under Josef Biden.

ITEM 2: Flashback to June 1, when Forbes reported, "ABC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams said on The View Tuesday that 'all signs point to a likely indictment' of former President Donald Trump.

"Noting that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. has convened a special grand jury to consider evidence in the criminal investigation into Trump’s business dealings, Abrams said 'those of us in the media always want to try to be careful,' but 'you don’t get a grand jury like this unless they believe they have evidence of a crime...so all the evidence, all the signals are towards a likely indictment of someone, if not more than one person.'"

Disney (through its ABC subsidiary) owes President Trump an apology. Abrams should be fired.

ITEM 3: The Daily Mail reported, "A 66-year-old hot-dog seller has told of his terror as he was attacked by a woman in Washington Square Park on Sunday night, describing how he feared he would 'bleed to death' as he was punched in the head and had hot sauce thrown in his eyes. Nader Hassaneen, an Egyptian immigrant and street vendor, told The New York Post on Tuesday he would 'never go back' to the Manhattan park, which has been plagued by crime in recent weeks. 

"The trouble began during Sunday's Pride celebrations, he said, when just before 11pm a woman pulled an American flag from the cart, demanding it be replaced with a rainbow Pride flag."

Pride paraders are showing their true colors.

And they are not red, white, and blue.

ITEM 4: The Washington Times reported, "According to a survey released Wednesday, more than three-fifths of all voters, including three-fourths of Republicans and a majority of Democrats, think that 'the will of the people is no longer a consideration to leaders in D.C. when making policy or legislative decisions.'

"The exact numbers were 62.4% of likely voters in the 2022 midterm elections, including 76.4% of Republicans, 50.4% of Democrats and 59% of no party / other voters believed that Washington ignores the popular will."

The civil war will be Washington versus America.

Josef Biden already warned us that he will use F-15s and possibly nukes.

ITEM 5: The New York Daily News reported, "President Trump Wednesday gleefully compared the city Board of Election’s error-plagued vote count with his own 2020 election defeat."

Why not?

The president said, "Just like in the 2020 Presidential Election, it was announced overnight in New York City that vast irregularities and mistakes were made. The fact is, based on what has happened, nobody will ever know who really won.

"Watch the mess you are about to see in New York City, it will go on forever. They should close the books and do it all over again, the old-fashioned way."

Cheaters never prosper.

ITEM 6: Zero Hedge reported, "Bill Cosby's sexual assault conviction was overturned by Pennsylvania's highest court on Wednesday, after finding that an agreement with a previous prosecutor prevented him from being charged in the case."

I am so glad to see him freed. Learning that he raped women was devastating.

I grew up watching him on the Mike Douglas Show when it was in Cleveland. He never did black humor. He did humor humor. My favorite was Noah, his bit about the Lord instructing Noah.

"Right, what's a cubit?"

And of course, the Lord later asking him, "How long can you tread water?"

I am not a fan of a rapist.

I am a fan of a man who broke racial barriers by just being funny.

And I salute his longtime co-star Phylicia Rashad, who celebrated the news.

Voo-va, voo-va, voo-va

ITEM 7: Bloomberg reported, "One in Five Young Adults Is Neither Working Nor Studying in U.S."

The story said, "In the first three months of the year, about 3.8 million Americans age 20 to 24 were not in employment, education or training, known as the NEET rate, the Center for Economic Policy and Research said in a report. That’s up by 740,000, or 24%, from a year earlier, before many lost their jobs or opted to defer college enrollment as campuses shut down at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic."

Under President Trump, young people worked.

Then Democrats and Red China rolled out covid 19.

And yes, given how Tony Fauci funded the Wuhan biological warfare lab, Democrats are complicit in this attack on America.

ITEM 8: The German news agency DPA reported, "New arms control talks between the United States and Russia are to begin within days, according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov."

Sure they do.

They have one of their own in the White House now.

ITEM 9: CNBC reported, "Ford Motor is significantly cutting its North American vehicle production in July due to an ongoing shortage of semiconductor chips impacting the global automotive industry.

"The automaker said Wednesday it will idle or reduce production at eight plants, including six in the U.S., for varying periods of time next month and into early August due to the problem. Affected products range from the Ford F-150 and Ford Bronco Sport to the Ford Mustang and Ford Explorer."

Why doesn't Ford simply start making its own chips?

If the Vietnamese can make chips, why not Ford?

Something tells me Corporate America is in on Red China's game.

ITEM 10: Elite Daily reported, "Being a black woman in music already comes with unique obstacles, like racism and misogynoir. But being a black woman musician in a music space not traditionally recognized as  black is even *more* difficult. Not only are black artists often pigeonholed into genres like hip-hop and R&B (even when they create music way outside of those boxes), but when they do overcome mislabeling, they’re overlooked in favor of white artists. In recent interviews, Willow Smith’s quotes about being a black woman in rock shine a light on the issues black female artists experience."

She's Will Smith's daughter. She's 20 and is about to release her 4th album.

If that is oppression, throw some my way.

ITEM 11: The New York Post reported, "America’s first black billionaire, Robert Johnson, is pushing hard for the government to pay $14 trillion in reparations — and he wants his check just like everyone else.

"'Reparations would require the entire country to … admit that the result of slavery has been 200 years of systemic racism,' the Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder told Vice."

Johnson became a billionaire by exploiting the color of his skin. There is no White Entertainment Network. That systemic racism served him very well. Maybe he should pay black people reparations first.

White supremacy isn't the problem.

Black entitlement is.

ITEM 12: The Hill reported, "The House passed legislation on Tuesday that would remove artwork from the Capitol that honors people with legacies of defending slavery, including by serving the Confederacy.

"The 285-120 vote was bipartisan, but it split Republicans. A minority of 67 Republicans joined with all Democrats in support, while 120 voted against it."

Does this mean the removal of Bob Byrd's statue from the West Virginia Capitol?

ITEM 13: Politico reported, "When Vice President Kamala Harris finally made the decision to visit the Mexico border last week, people inside her own office were blindsided by the news.

"For days, aides and outside allies had been calling and texting with each other about the political fallout that a potential trip would entail. But when it became known that she was going to El Paso, it left many scrambling, including officials who were responsible for making travel arrangements and others outside the VP’s office charged with crafting the messaging across the administration.

"The handling of the border visit was the latest chaotic moment for a staff that’s quickly become mired in them. Harris’ team is experiencing low morale, porous lines of communication and diminished trust among aides and senior officials. Much of the frustration internally is directed at Tina Flournoy, Harris’ chief of staff, a veteran of Democratic politics who began working for her earlier this year."

She is breaking the glass ceiling.

And the debris is falling on her staff.

Sarah Palin would have been a far better role model.

ITEM 14Hamas-Shielding AP reported, "Donald Rumsfeld, the two-time defense secretary whose reputation as a skilled bureaucrat and visionary of a modern U.S. military was soiled by the long and costly Iraq war, has died at age 88, his family says."

That is not what the family said.

His family announced his death. Instead of accurately quoting the family, the Associated Press soiled his reputation and then attributed it to his family.

The family should sue.

May he rest in peace while AP's obituary writers face hours of deposition.

ITEM 15: The New York Post reported, "California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been accused of being out of touch with constituents during the pandemic — but one of his closest business confidantes has skipped out of the state altogether.

"Shyla Hendrickson — who has controlled Newsom's wine-and-hotel company PlumpJack Group through a blind trust since Newsom took office in 2018 — spent most of the pandemic in Park City, Utah, where COVID restrictions were far more lax than in California, sources told The Post.

"While Golden State residents chafed over lockdowns that mandated remote learning in schools until April, Hendrickson’s kids were not only heading to classrooms since last August but playing on the volleyball team, whose in-person tryouts were last July, according to social media posts and a team schedule. In California, indoor youth sports were banned until this March."

The covid rules were all BS based on politics, not science.

But Californians are masochists politically. They will reward this abuse by not recalling Newsom.

ITEM 16: The New York Times lied to its readers. I don't link the rag.

NYT said, "The House voted mostly along party lines on Wednesday to create a select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, pushing ahead over near-unanimous Republican opposition with a broad inquiry controlled by Democrats into the deadliest attack on Congress in centuries."

Deadliest attack?

It was not a deadly attack as no attacker killed anyone.

The only person shot and killed was a protester. Congress is hiding the name of the Capitol Police officer who killed an unarmed Ashli Babbitt. No protester fired a gun.

The worst attack on the Capitol was on March 1, 1954, when 4 Puerto Rican terrorists shot five congressmen inside the Capitol during a debate on immigration.

Democrat President Jimmy Carter later commuted the sentences of the terrorists.

RUMOR OF THE DAY: A member of Pence's Secret Service team shot and killed her.

This is why the name of her killer must be released. Otherwise, rumors will run rampant. My job is to report news. This is news.

ITEM 17: Fox reported, "A pair of robbers in Oakland, California, held up a television news crew at gunpoint just hours after the city’s police chief warned of safety concerns following officials’ decision to slash his department’s budget by more than $18 million, police said."

Three words: concealed carry permits.

One more: Carry.

ITEM 18: Newsweek reported, "New York City residents were asked on Wednesday to limit their electricity usage to avoid power outages during the blistering heat wave."

City Hall and Gracie Mansion can shut down their ACs first.

Via Glenn Reynolds, "Indian Point Energy Center was a three-unit nuclear power plant station located in Buchanan, New York, just south of Peekskill. It sits on the east bank of the Hudson River, about 36 miles (58 km) north of Midtown Manhattan. The facility has permanently ceased power operations as of April 30, 2021."

Buy electric cars so they can sit idle while you sweat in summer and freeze in winter.

ITEM 19: A reader found a replacement for the Olympic woman who won't honor America.

I don't think he will either.

ITEM 20: The Daily Mail reported, "Bungling BBC journalist confuses Bill Cosby with Bill CLINTON as she reports on entertainer's release from prison."

All those rapists named Bill look alike.

ITEM 21Just the News reported, "Virginia's Department of Education is urging school districts throughout the state to work to end as many sex-segregated activities and programs as possible as part of a recently promulgated set of rules aimed at accommodating transgender students statewide. 

"The department's Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia's Public Schools was developed pursuant to legislation passed last year by the state legislature and signed into law by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam. That law dictates that the Department of Education is required to develop and make available new rules, after which school districts are required to adopt policies that are consistent with but may be more comprehensive than the state-level guidance.

"The rules were quietly promulgated earlier this year, but generated interest and controversy late this month as some school officials publicized efforts to come in line with the guidance."

The time has come to shutter Virginia's public schools and refund all property taxes used to finance this circus. Education is the last thing the state DOE wants. It is run by pushers of the racist CRT and sexist tranny rules.

ITEM 22: President Emeritus Donald Trump reacted to the indictments from the latest witch hunt.

He said, "Radical Left New York City and State Prosecutors, who have let murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and all other forms of crime skyrocket to record levels, and who have just announced that they will be releasing hundreds of people involved in violent crime back onto the streets without retribution of any kind, are rude, nasty, and totally biased in the way they are treating lawyers, representatives, and some of the wonderful long-term employees and people within the Trump Organization. After hundreds of subpoenas, over 3 million pages of documents, 4 years of searching, dozens and dozens of interviews, and millions of dollars of taxpayer funds wasted, they continue to be in search of a crime and will do anything to frighten people into making up the stories or lies that they want, but have been totally unable to get. In an unprecedented move, they retained an outside Never Trumper lawyer from a Trump-hating law firm to work on the case. It is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time.

"Now they are issuing ultimatums, working in close conjunction with the Washington, D.C. hacks who have been investigating me from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, but who have failed. In fact, the guilty parties were these prosecutors’ partners in crime, the Radical Left Democrats and friends. They will do anything to stop the MAGA movement (and me), even if it involves prosecutorial misconduct and harassment of a political opponent, which they are using at levels rarely seen before. They leak, they lie, and they campaign based on information that has already been gone through in other of the many investigations I have put up with. 

"Now they just leaked that we were given one day, today, to make our case about things that are standard practice throughout the U.S. business community, and in no way a crime. They also know that no matter how strong our case, they will work hard to embarrass us and the Republican Party. 

"Having politically motivated prosecutors, people who actually got elected because they will get Donald Trump, is a very dangerous thing for our Country. In the end, people will not stand for it. Remember, if they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone! Why would anyone bring their company to New York, or even stay in New York, knowing these Radical Left Democrats would willingly target their company if viewed as a political opponent? It is devastating for New York!

"These Witch Hunters are relentlessly seeking to destroy a reputation of a President who has done a great job for this Country, including tax and regulation cuts, Border control, rebuilding the Military, and developing the vaccine in record time—thereby saving our Country, and far beyond. Washington, D.C. and ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court, should finally stop these vicious, angry, and highly partisan prosecutors. They are a disgrace to our Nation!"

The question will become in 5 years: Are you now or have you ever been a Republican?

Dumping on Trump will not spare the Cheneys and the Bushes.

FINALLY, NBC reported, "A federal judge Wednesday put on hold a first-of-its-kind law in Florida that authorized the state to penalize social media companies when they ban political candidates, a win for social media companies as they try to keep control of their platforms.

"U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle issued a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of the law, which was scheduled to go into effect Thursday.

"Hinkle said the law's ban on deplatforming likely violated the free speech rights of the tech companies, which under the First Amendment are generally free to decide what to publish without government interference."

Clinton judge.

Only in Marxistland is censorship considered to be free speech.

What is next? Allowing the telephone company to cut your service because it does not like what you said on that last phone call?

That's the article: Highlights of the News
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