Diversity, what's in it for me?

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In grade school 60 years ago, teachers taught us united we stand. Now the pitch is Diversity Is Our Greatest Strength. If true, what is in it for me?

I grew up in Cleveland in a neighborhood between Little Budapest and Little Italy.

One neighbor was Italian, others were Hungarian. Many of the little old ladies were immigrants who were more comfortable speaking their native tongue. But they did not cross that vast ocean to be Hungarians or Italians. They came here to be Americans.

Their children spoke a little of the language and moved out to the suburbs. Their grandchildren learned only the dirty words. And the only legacy their great-grandchildren have is a surname that would rack up a good score on Scrabble.

They assimilated.

I am not so sure about today's immigrants because their representatives hate America. Look at the squad. You have a black lady from Boston who believes America suffers systemic racism, even though she rose to Congress despite having a criminal father who spent most of her childhood in prison.

You have a Hispanic lady who grew up in Westchester and became a suburban socialist.

You have a Somalia lady who came to Minnesota as a war refugee, who constantly complains about the nation that took her in.

You have a Palestinian-American lady from Michigan who is anti-Semitic and frankly, anti-white.

None of these women seem happy. None of them want to assimilate. None of them has anything to offer but whining, complaining, and bitching. That combined they represent 2.6 million Americans is scary because it shows a dangerous self-loathing in America, the kind that leads to national suicide.

In their case, diversity is the opposite of unity. They want to divide the nation. They are the products of an education system handed over to communists.

Jason L. Riley wrote in the Wall Street Journal, "A majority of American fourth- and eighth-graders can’t read or do math at grade level, according to the Education Department. And that assessment is from 2019, before the learning losses from pandemic school closures.

"Whenever someone asks me about critical race theory, that statistic comes to mind. What’s the priority, teaching math and reading, or turning elementary schools into social-justice boot camps?

"Given that black and Hispanic students are more likely to be lagging academically, it’s a question that anyone professing to care deeply about social inequality might consider. Learning gaps manifest themselves in all kinds of ways later in life, from unemployment rates and income levels to the likelihood of teenage pregnancy, substance abuse and involvement with the criminal-justice system. Our jails and prisons already have too many woke illiterates.

"Wealthier parents will make sure their kids receive a decent education, even if it means using private schools or hiring tutors. But the majority of children are relegated to the traditional public-school system, where progressives now want to prioritize the teaching of critical race theory. In addition to being a horrible idea, the timing couldn’t be worse. As the country rapidly diversifies—for more than a decade, U.S. population growth has been driven primarily by Asians and Hispanics—liberals want to teach children to obsess over racial and ethnic differences. What could go wrong?"

I have news for Jason L. Riley, private schools preach CRT. It is the new religion with America designated as the new Satan.

Johnnie cannot read, but he sure can riot.

And demand.

Oh, how today's Johnnies demand. They are fed the notion that America owes them millions of bucks because some ancestor picked cotton a couple of centuries ago.

But I don't owe him a dime. He did not pick cotton for me.

If that is diversity—a nation of brats with demands—then to heck with it because there is nothing in it for me.

That's the article: Diversity, what's in it for me?
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