Democrats want border chaos

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Conrad Black wrote, "from Inauguration Day, Democrats have taken the position that they would do the reverse of anything Trump did: outright reaction unsupported by any analysis. Nothing else is conceivable as an explanation for their southern border policy.

"As Vice President Harris checked the box by going to El Paso, 800 miles away from the more agitated areas of illegal southern entry last week, she repeated the mantra that this administration inherited a mess. The polls are unanimous in indicating that the public realizes they did not inherit a mess; they inherited the almost complete end of illegal immigration and they squandered it instantly and jubilantly by effectively inviting the world to enter while having the hapless Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeat like a Disney World self-propelled puppet 'The border is closed.'

"Television viewers can switch channels from that almost daily pronunciamento to see illegal immigrants swarming across by land and through water. Illegal immigration is now running at the rate of two million a year, which is an unsustainable level of entry of almost entirely unskilled people who will severely strain the social and educational and public security services of the southern border states.

"It is a crisis closing in upon a disaster, and the public can already see it approaching. All that can be said for the vice president’s visit to El Paso, where she was welcomed by the gushy local Democratic congresswoman to the 21st Century Ellis Island, (where people arrived legally and some were rejected), is that it was nothing like as great a fiasco as her visit to Mexico and Guatemala three weeks ago."

Black is a very smart and wise man.

With some hesitation and much reservation, I suggest he has missed the point. After watching Obama and company for the past decade-plus, I postulate that there is no such thing as Unintended Consequences when it comes to Democrat policies.

When we said gun control would lead to more violence and murders, I now realize that is the very outcome Democrats desired. The same with ending bail bonds and defunding police. Democrats want crime in the city. The kickbacks from the gang leaders and the votes from gang members fuel Democrat control.

When we said not going after thefts of less than $950 would lead to shoplifting and the closing of stores, I now realize that is the very outcome Democrats desired. The same with raising taxes, imposing draconian mask rules, and raising minimum wage to $15 an hour. Democrats want a purge of businesses in the territory Democrats control, because businesses promote self-reliance for the owners and a service to the community from outside the government.

What we call Unintended Consequences, Democrats call goals.

And so it is with the chaos along the border. As Rahm Emanuel said, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before."

Well, if a serious crisis is an opportunity, why not create more opportunities? 

Democrats do not want immigration reform because they already have the open borders they desire. They do not enforce the laws on the books, and they make up new ones. Obama had no authority to create DACA. The Supreme Court ordered President Trump to obey it anyway. Elections have consequences, unless of course we elect someone Chief Justice John Roberts does not like.

Conrad Black portrayed as an Unintended Consequence the violence by illegal aliens that terrorizes people. The border chaos has him calling to federalize the local police. (You can take the boy out of Canada, but you cannot take the Canadian out of the boy.)

That is the Democrat goal, which was the same aim as last summer's riots.

He wrote, "But there is no quick fix to violent crime. It will soon be impossible to hide from the necessity to intervene directly to finance the recruitment and proper training of at least 100,000 more police personnel.

"The methods for reducing violent urban crime in the United States are now well known and were demonstrated by the mayoral regime of Rudolph Giuliani in New York (1993–2001), and there is no alternative but to return to them and the federal government can incentivize that.

"The embarrassment to the Democrats in such a course will be as nothing to the embarrassment they will receive at the polls next year if they do not take serious anti-crime measures."

The next election -- 2022 -- does not bother them because they will still control the White House. By not repealing Obamacare, Republicans in Congress proved themselves to be harmless little harpies who talk tough on Fox but wimp out.

Black wants to incentivize the police. 

No thanks.

Let us not allow Congress to incentivize police because money talks. Congress incentivized schools and colleges to the point where they now are indoctrination centers.

The road to the Gestapo is paved by riots and chaos. Democrats know this. That is why they put the ineffective Harris in charge of the border.

That's the article: Democrats want border chaos
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