We need a Covid 19 Commission

Hello friends wordentertainmen, on this occasion the admin wants to share an article entitled We need a Covid 19 Commission, we have made good, quality and useful articles for you to read and take information in. hopefully the post content is about which we write you can understand. Alright, happy reading.

While Congress gazes at its navel and debates having a commission look into the storming of the Capitol by a few upset citizens, covid 19 deaths mount. RINOs and Democrats show a curious incuriosity about a virus launched by Red China that has killed 609,767 Americans thus far.

That is 200 times the 9/11 death count, which triggered two wars.

I am not asking Congress to declare war on Red China. 

And I am not asking Congress to look into the origin of this virus because I already know that Red China cooked it up in a lab and spread it around the world. Any investigation by the enemy from within will simply cover the origin up.

Remember, the FBI investigation into Hillary's sale of state secrets through 33,000 emails was used to destroy evidence.

Also remember, the FBI sat on Hunter Biden's laptop for a year.

The origin is a distraction. The Biden administration will use it to blunt criticism of the federal government while pinning the blame on Donald Trump. It is a trap to avoid.

We know Red China did it and we know there is nothing we can do about that.

What I want is an examination of our reaction to this pandemic. We need to know what worked, and what didn't. We need to understand the logic of closing down hospitals in fear of hospitals being overrun, and what happened when they weren't. We need to re-examine and reject the shuttering of elective surgery, which may lead to thousands of deaths because some of those procedures were designed to detect cancer early.

Governors need to explain why they shut down churches instead of strip joints. It would seem that a pandemic is when we would need God the most. Or is atheism now the official religion of America?

We need to find out why we thought there was a great ventilator shortage. We need to find out why we mandated masks even though there was no science to back wearing masks to prevent the spread of covid.

We shut down the economy for two weeks and it lasted more than a year. What gives? Why did we allow public health bureaucrats to make the decisions that ignored the Constitution?

My goodness, we arrested people for surfing, even though they posed no threat of spreading the virus. Many of the arbitrary decisions were simply authoritarian reactions that had nothing to do with slowing the spread of covid. 

We cannot allow such foolishness to happen again because we only played into the hands of the enemy, Red China.

The examination must be thorough and soul-searching. Do we really want an America where everyone is too afraid of death to live free?

That's the article: We need a Covid 19 Commission
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