Subterranean Homesick Blues 2021

Hello friends wordentertainmen, on this occasion the admin wants to share an article entitled Subterranean Homesick Blues 2021, we have made good, quality and useful articles for you to read and take information in. hopefully the post content is about which we write you can understand. Alright, happy reading.

Some guy using the handle Cultural Husbandry had a string of tweets about the media's string of lies. A reader tipped me to it, and reading it, I could hear Bob Dylan singing it.

He has a SubStack account.

Read a few stanzas and see if you don't hear that ancient song too. I added a chorus from the original to help set the mood.

Epstein committed suicide
McAfee committed suicide
Biden won the election
COVID came from a wet market
Conservatives are all terrorists
Ivermectin doesn't work
HCQ doesn't work
Biden doesn't have dementia
The jab isn't making anyone ill
Fauci was consistent
Masks work
COVID passports

Look out, kid, it's somethin' you did

God knows when, but you're doin' it again

Cuomo didn't kill old people
Dominion systems were secure
Hunter Biden is an artist
Trump colluded with Russia
Jan 06 was an insurrection
Transwomen are real women
BLM is mostly peaceful
Trump had a pee pee tape
Antifa is an idea
George Floyd didn't overdose

Look out, kid, it's somethin' you did

God knows when, but you're doin' it again

Advanced coursework is racist
1619 is real history
Hunter Laptop wasn't real
Trump caused Asian hate
White rage is the problem
CRT isn't poisonous
All white people are racist
A pipe in ATL stopped the count
Jussie Smollett was attacked
China travel ban was racist
Words are violence

Look out, kid, it's somethin' you did

God knows when, but you're doin' it again

The military isn't woke
The FBI is apolitical
Shokin was fired for corruption
Obama didn't build cages
Iran never got cash pallets
Churches should be closed
The border is under control
Voter ID is racist
Biden is tough on Putin
Blassey Ford was credible
Swalwell isn't compromised

It goes on for 13 more stanzas.

The media only pumps out Fake News because the real news is that our government is run by fascists who resented, resisted, and worked to derail President Donald John Trump's plan to Make America Great Again.

The media lies because if the media told the truth, their Red Chinese overlords would kick Disney (ABC, ESPN, Fox) out so quickly, heads would spin and Rupert Murdoch's net worth would shrink from $23 billion down to $23 million.

Oh, Murdoch still owns the TV network and the news channel, but he also is the largest individual holder of Disney stock.

Bob Dylan was right: "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."

We have got to win the White House back. And this time, fire every political appointee on Inauguration Day, and ditch everybody above a one-star general or admiral.

And then shrink the central government -- including the Milley-ized Military -- to the point where a presidential election is less important than a soccer game. And readers know how little I care about soccer.

If covid 19 taught us anything, it is that the government is too big, too powerful, and too stupid to protect America. Reagan was right. The federal government is the problem.

That's the article: Subterranean Homesick Blues 2021
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