Highlights of the News

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I quote the Washington Post for entertainment purposes only. Why should it surprise anyone to learn that DC experts are stupid? I mean, they actually believe what WaPo tells them.

ITEM 1: The Daily Star reported, "OnlyFans model-turned-politician promises free boob jobs for all women if elected."

That beats the campaign promise of a chicken in every pot by a huge margin.

ITEM 2: The New York Post reported, "Democratic mayoral candidate Maya Wiley wants to cut $1 billion from the NYPD’s budget — at the same time her home is being protected by a private security patrol in her Brooklyn neighborhood.

"Wiley — who on Sunday clashed with rival Eric Adams over her plan to defund the police if elected — claimed in December that she thought the private security was 'ridiculous and we shouldn’t have it.'

"But she said her life partner, Harlan Mandel, began paying the annual fees without her knowledge to the Prospect Park South Charitable Trust to fund a guard who drives around the area."

AOC endorsed Wiley. Hypocrites of a feather flock together.

ITEM 3: CNBC reported, "Inflation may look like a problem that will go away, but is more likely to persist and lead to a crisis in the years ahead, according to a warning from Deutsche Bank economists.

"In a forecast that is well outside the consensus from policymakers and Wall Street, Deutsche issued a dire warning that focusing on stimulus while dismissing inflation fears will prove to be a mistake if not in the near term then in 2023 and beyond.

"The analysis especially points the finger at the Federal Reserve and its new framework in which it will tolerate higher inflation for the sake of a full and inclusive recovery. The firm contends that the Fed’s intention not to tighten policy until inflation shows a sustained rise will have dire impacts."

The central banks are trading off inflation for low unemployment rates, the reverse of President Reagan's policies in the 1980s.

Inflation will shellac retirees who subsist on Social Security and small pensions, but retired home owners and stockholders will make out big time.

Three words of advice to people under 50: I R A.

ITEM 4: CNN reported, "Jeff Bezos will be flying to space on the first crewed flight of the New Shepard, the rocket ship made by his space company, Blue Origin. The flight is scheduled for July 20th, just 15 days after he is set to resign as CEO of Amazon.

"Blue Origin said Bezos' younger brother, Mark Bezos, will also join the flight."

He can just stay in space for all I care.

ITEM 5: Axios reported, "The FDA has approved Biogen's Alzheimer's drug, aducanumab, which will be marketed as Aduhelm. Biogen is charging $56,000 per year for the drug."

This is the same FDA that banned using HCQ and zinc to treat covid 19.

This is the same government that funded Red China's development of covid 19.

This is the same government that told us masks would stop the spread of covid 19.

But the drug comes from the same private sector that gave us 3 vaccines for covid 19.

ITEM 6CNN reported, "US investigators have recovered millions in cryptocurrency they say was paid in ransom to hackers whose attack prompted the shutdown of the key East Coast pipeline last month, the Justice Department announced Monday.

"The announcement confirms CNN's earlier reporting about the FBI-led operation, which was carried out with cooperation from Colonial Pipeline, the company that fell victim to the ransomware attack in question.

"Specifically, the Justice Department said it seized approximately $2.3 million in Bitcoins paid to individuals in a criminal hacking group known as DarkSide. The FBI said it has been investigating DarkSide, which is said to share its malware tools with other criminal hackers, for over a year."

Why is the FBI working so hard to stop people who extort money?

The government doesn't like competition.

ITEM 7: Zero Hedge reported, "It looks like much to the surprise of no one, there's considerable waste and malfeasance taking place at the perpetually-taxpayer-bailed-out MTA."

The latest is a doozy, even by government employee standards of indifference to work.

The story said, "The inspector general is reportedly furious after the findings of an 11 month investigation found that seven NYC Transit track inspectors were skipping inspections and falsifying inspection reports. The employees in question have been suspended, according to an RT&S report.

"But rather than fire all seven employees - in true taxpayer funded fashion -- only one was fired while 'six of the track inspectors received a final warning that similar conduct could result in termination and are prohibited from performing track inspections for five years,' the report says."

As long as the government runs it, screw public transportation.

Sell MTA to Jeff Bezos and watch it make money.

ITEM 8: Republican Governor Greg Abbott of Texas tweeted, "I’m signing a law today that prohibits any business operating in Texas from requiring vaccine passports or any vaccine information.

"Texas is open 100% without any restrictions or limitations or requirements."

Federal law supposedly protects the privacy of your medical records.

Passports and shot records cover only crossing international borders, not going to the store for a loaf of bread.

ITEM 9: The media that lionized Liz Cheney for bucking her party wasted much of Monday hating Joe Manchin.

It is Joemageddon.

ITEM 10: Breitbart reported, "Three Republican Senators, Rick Scott, (FL), Marsha Blackburn (TN), and Mike Braun (IN), introduced a resolution Monday condemning Critical Race Theory (CRT) in K-12 schools, contending it serves as a 'prejudicial ideological tool, rather than an educational tool.'"

America is the greatest land of all.

We need to bring back patriotism. 

ITEM 11: Just the News reported, "President Joe Biden has never been accused of having a gilded tongue. In fact, he once referred to himself as a gaffe machine.

"But after a meandering speech in summer 2015, his top aides let loose their frustrations in a private communication to the then-vice president's son Hunter.

"'He just couldn't end the speech,' senior White House aide Gregory Schultz exclaimed to the VP's youngest son, in apparent disbelief.

"The newly surfaced email, recovered by Just the News from a laptop Hunter Biden left behind at a Delaware repair shop and later turned over to the FBI, provides a rare glimpse into the Biden inner circle's efforts to corral the oft-bumbling, gaffe-prone speechmaker."

Josef Biden now stays on script.

The country's future rests on a coke-addicted ne'er-do-well named Hunter.

ITEM 12: The Hill promoted Burger King's latest attempt to bring attention to itself.

The Hill said, "Burger King is donating 40 cents for every sale of its new chicken sandwich, Ch’King, to the Human Rights Campaign."

Then The Hill repeated a lie, saying, "Chick-Fil-A has a reputation of donating to anti-LGBTQ+ groups."

The anti-LGBTQ group is the Salvation Army.

More proof of corporate desperation. Go woke, get broke? Increasingly it is, you broke? Get woke!

And the Washington press corps is a bunch of bubbleheads inside a bubble.

ITEM 13: Twitchy reported, "‘Who’s gonna tell her?’ Cher’s so angry at these Senate ‘traitors’ that she called for the wrong Dem to be removed from office."

Cher said Senator Kirsten Gillibrand when Cher meant Senator Kyrsten Sinema. All these Kirsten/Kyrsten senators look alike to me.

The self-awareness challenged Jonah Goldberg tweeted, "What I love about this error is how it beautifully illustrates the mismatch between political intensity and political knowledge that defines so much of our politics."

ITEM 14: PJ Media reported, "Worldcon Ordered to Apologize and Pay Conservative Author Jon Del Arroz for Banning Him and Calling Him 'Racist.'"


Not bad.

ITEM 15: MSN reported, "The Supreme Court on Monday turned away a challenge to the constitutionality of the federal requirement that only men register for the draft when they become legal adults, declining to revisit an earlier decision that upheld the policy on Selective Service."

The Supreme Court is sexist.

ITEM 16: German news agency DPA reported, "China joins race for satellite internet, but is there enough space?"

We put government in charge of space -- and 50 years later we ran out of space.

ITEM 17: Nation and State reported, "Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas authorized the payment on Sunday of $42,000 to the family of a terrorist who killed two Israelis through a policy that incentivizes and rewards terrorism against Israel.

"Laila Ghannam, governor of Ramallah’s Al-Bireh district, personally handed the money to the family of Muhannad Al-Halabi, a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group on Sunday. Al-Halabi fatally stabbed two Israeli civilians in 2015 before being shot by police. The $42,000 payment was given to Al-Halabi’s parents 'on behalf of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas to ‘complete the payment of the cost’ of their home, which was demolished by Israel following the attack,' according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which tracks regional media reports.

"The payment is a direct rebuke to a 2018 bipartisan American law known as the Taylor Force Act, which prohibits the U.S. government from giving the Palestinian government aid money until it ends the practice of paying terrorists, known as “pay to slay.” Republican lawmakers say the Biden administration violated this law by restarting U.S. aid to the Palestinians. The Biden administration approved another $100 million in aid for the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip late last month, even as it admitted these taxpayer funds could enrich terrorists operating there."

The Palestinian Authority is a terrorist-supporting organization.

President Trump stopped funding it.

Josef Biden resumed funding.

ITEM 18: Breitbart reported, "A new social media study finds that LeBron James is the most hated player in the NBA by a fairly significant margin. According to the social media use survey by Sports Insider using trends software with direct access to geotagged Twitter data, the study tracked negative mentions of NBA players on Twitter."

Did he marry Kim Kardashian?

ITEM 19: International Business Times reported, "President Biden’s goal to have 70% of eligible Americans vaccinated against COVID-19 by July 4 may be derailed by the nearly one-quarter of people who are still hesitant about getting vaccinated, according to a recent Gallup survey."

Somebody at IBT needs to learn arithmetic. 100 minus 25 is 75.

FINALLY, how was your Monday? Mine began with a morning drive with the top down to Tudor's House of Biscuits. In the afternoon, I took my wife in her car to the doctor's office for an appointment. I figured since she had not driven the car in 5 weeks, I would get it washed. Just as the automatic car wash at Sheetz accepted payment, it began to rain.

After the wash ended, I sat in the car wash inside the car for the longest time.

I may not read the Washington Post, but that does not make me a genius.

That's the article: Highlights of the News
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