Highlights of the News

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ITEM 1: Mediaite reported, "The Pandemic is Over, Says 57% of Republicans — And 4% Democrats."

End mail-in ballots and quarantine Democrats until after the 2024 election. Problem solved.

ITEM 2: Politico reported, "Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance has indicated he does not currently plan to charge the Trump Organization with crimes related to allegations of "hush money" payments and real estate value manipulations, according to a personal lawyer for Donald Trump.

"Ronald Fischetti, a New York attorney who represents the former president, said on Monday that in a meeting last week, he asked Vance’s team for details on charges they were considering.

"According to Fischetti, members of Vance’s team said they were considering bringing charges against the Trump Organization and its individual employees related to alleged failures to pay taxes on corporate benefits and perks. It has been widely reported that those perks included cars and apartments and appear to only involve a small number of executives."

Another witch hunt.

Another con job.

President DeSantis needs to end these political persecutions. Prosecute Hunter and Hillary. And have a SWAT team arrest them pre-dawn in front of every news crew in America.

ITEM 3: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported, "95% of those who've died from COVID-19 in Wisconsin since March weren't vaccinated or fully vaccinated, officials say."

The news is 5% of those who died were fully vaccinated.

That appears to be a pretty high rate of failure.

ITEM 4: TMZ reported, "The NFL is making it clear it stands firmly with the LGBTQ+ community releasing a powerful video Monday that featured the message, 'Football is gay.'

"The clip, which is 30 seconds in length, added, 'Football is lesbian. Football is beautiful. Football is queer. Football is life.'"

Congratulations, NFL. You just disowned the 95% of America that isn't LGBTQ+.

ITEM 5: Fox reported, "CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper has shed a staggering 75% of its audience since the liberal network experienced a January spike in viewers. 

"Tapper’s program averaged 2.8 million viewers in January but settled for only 706,000 in the 4 p.m. ET timeslot from May 31 through June 23, losing three-quarters of its audience in the process. Tapper’s second-quarter viewership is down 49% compared to the first quarter."

Good, now do Neil Cavuto.

ITEM 6: U.S. Olympian Gwen Berry turned her back on the playing of the national anthem at the Olympic trials. She finished third in her sport.

Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw told Fox, "We don’t need any more activist athletes, She should be removed from the team. The entire point of the Olympic team is to represent the United States of America. It’s the entire point."

He is most correct.

These athletes represent all of us. That is the whole point of the Olympics.

ITEM 7: Tucker Carlson said on his show, "Yesterday we heard from a whistleblower within the US government, who reached out to warn us that the NSA has been monitoring our electronic communications and is planning to leak them in an attempt to take this show off the air.

"The whistleblower, who is in a position to know, repeated back to us information about a story that we are working on, that could have only come directly from my texts and emails. There's no other possible source for that information, period. The NSA captured that information without our knowledge, and did it for political reasons.

"The Biden administration is spying on is. We have confirmed that. This morning we filed a FOIA request asking for all information that the NSA and other agencies have gathered about this show."

NSA likely spies on many people. Secrets make for great blackmail.

ITEM 8: There was an insurrection at the White House.

But because the protesters were Marxist, police killed no one and the media did not demand prosecutions, complete with pre-dawn raids by SWAT teams.

Kane at Citizen Free Press reported, "The Sunrise Movement along with AOC and Cori Bush blocked White House entrances.

"A group of freaks, flanked by noteworthy Democrat politicians, protested outside of the White House on Monday, demanding the Biden administration adopt an infrastructure plan that prioritizes climate change and blocking every entrance to the White House as part of their demand for action.

"Activists from the far-left Soros-funded group the Sunrise Movement marched to the White House on Monday to demand the Biden administration put climate change-related initiatives at the forefront, particularly in terms of the ongoing infrastructure negotiations. According to reports, protesters are blocking every entrance to the White House, demanding Biden heed to their Green New Deal agenda."

There is no double standard because there are no standards in Washington at all. Instead, they just make up the rules as they go along. It is Calvinball, except the stakes are higher. Much higher. The fate of the nation and civilization rests in the hands of these Munchkins.

ITEM 9: The Epoch Times reported, "The Supreme Court declined to hear New Hampshire’s challenge to Massachusetts’s pandemic-era policy of taxing out-of-state residents who used to work in Massachusetts but switched to telecommuting from their New Hampshire homes during the pandemic.

"Billions of dollars in income taxes paid by people who worked from home during the pandemic were at stake in this case, and conceivably in other states such as New York that, even in the absence of a public health emergency, collect taxes on nonresident income.

"According to New Hampshire, the Massachusetts tax rule goes against New Hampshire’s state sovereignty, its residents’ economic interests, and runs afoul of the U.S. Constitution’s commerce clause and the 14th Amendment’s due process clause. New Hampshire had asked the court for an injunction preventing Massachusetts from enforcing the rule and requiring it to refund all funds collected under it."


The Roberts Court refuses to adjudicate a quarrel between two states. Is this not why we have a Supreme Court? For shame, chief justice. For shame.

ITEM 10: The Conservative Brief reported, "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up a major transgender rights case.

"The justices opted not to hear the Gloucester County School Board’s appeal of a 2020 ruling by the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that transgender student Gavin Grimm is protected under the federal law that bars sex discrimination in education."

This is passive-aggressive acceptance of the abnormal as normal.

ITEM 11: The Epoch Times reported, "The Republican-majority Arizona House on June 25 approved a bill that could mandate that school teachers share stories from people who fled communism as part of the curriculum."

We also need to expose students to the Holocaust as well as the far more deadly Cultural Revolution in Red China under Mao.

ITEM 12: Mike "Mish" Shedlock reported, "Critical Race Theory Banned in 6 States, That's 44 States Too Few."

He said, "How activists and educators preach and teach CRT is the key to understanding how divisive the theory is in practice.

"Activists claim America is fundamentally racist, math is racist, the SAT College Entrance Exam is racist, and whites are racists simply by being white."

CRT is a garbage Marxist religion, which has no place in school.

ITEM 13: Axios reported, "California bans state-funded travel to 5 states due to anti-LGBTQ laws."

The list includes: Florida, North Dakota, Montana, West Virginia and Arkansas.

West Virginia's crime is banning boys from competing in girls sports.

Good. Spares us from banning California.

ITEM 14: Reuters reported, "Everyone in North Korea is heartbroken over leader Kim Jong Un's apparent weight loss, said an unidentified resident of Pyongyang quoted on the country's tightly controlled state media, after watching recent video footage of Kim.

"The rare public comment on Kim's health come after foreign analysts noted in early June that the autocratic leader, who is believed to be 37, appeared to have lost a noticeable amount of weight."

Haley Barbour joked in 2012, "If you see me losing 40 pounds that means I’m either running for president or I have cancer."

Kim cannot run for president. Pray for Kim. He's the devil we know.

ITEM 15: The Chicago Sun-Times reported, "Six people were killed and 68 others were wounded in weekend shootings in Chicago as the city reaches the halfway point of what could be one of its most violent years in decades.

"Four of the attacks were mass shootings with four or more people wounded. The attacks accounted for about a third of all the shooting victims between Friday evening and early Monday morning.

"Chicago has seen at least 331 homicides so far this year, compared to 319 at this point last year and 247 in 2019. That's an almost 4% increase over last year and a 34% increase compared to 2019."

Summertime, and the dyin's easy...

ITEM 16The Seattle Times reported, "Heat inequality: In county, it's hottest where vulnerable, less affluent live."

The story said, "If this weekend’s heat wave sends temperatures soaring well above 90 degrees in King County as meteorologists expect, some communities are likely to suffer much worse than neighbors mere miles away. 

"That take-away comes from a new map of temperature data throughout King County collected during a scorching day last July. The map, which was publicized by the county Wednesday, shows how the impacts of heat waves and the effects of climate change depend — even at a small scale — on where you live.

"And some areas — particularly those with fewer trees and more pavement — boil hotter during heat waves like the one forecast for this weekend. 

"The difference can be enormous. Temperatures recorded at the warmest and coolest comparable locations last July differed by more than 23 degrees, according to the data."

Everything hurts the poor hardest. That is why I worked to escape poverty.

How about you?

ITEM 17: NBC reported, "The Texas Supreme Court says survivors and relatives of those killed in a 2017 mass killing at a church can't sue a sporting goods chain for selling the gunman the rifle used in the attack.

"The court on Friday threw out four lawsuits against Academy Sports and Outdoors that alleged a San Antonio-area store negligently sold the gun to Devin Kelley in 2016.

"The gunman killed more than two dozen people when he opened fire at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs. The 26-year-old then killed himself during a chase after the shooting."

If you follow the law (and our gun control laws are strict on selling weapons), you should not be liable for what occurs afterward.

ITEM 18: The Pacific Legal Foundation announced, "The U.S. Supreme Court announced today that courts must hear a case challenging a San Francisco ordinance forcing land owners to provide lifetime leases to tenants."

The foundation represents the plaintiffs.

The foundation said, "Peyman Pakdel and his wife bought an apartment in San Francisco in 2009 as a future home for their retirement. The apartment was one of six units carved out of a home, and all six owners held title as tenants-in-common. Unlike the other owners, the Pakdels decided to rent out their unit, until they were ready to move in for their retirement. When the Pakdels purchased the unit, they, along with the other owners, agreed to convert the building into a condominium as soon as possible. However, the Pakdels lost the ability to live in their own home because the city passed an ordinance that allowed condominium conversions only if owners who were renting offered a lifetime lease to any existing tenant."

Sounds like the city erred.

ITEM 19: Red State reported, "A Harvard/Harris poll revealed that 80% of Americans believe that illegal immigration is a serious issue. Even further, respondents indicated that the problem deserves more attention than the Biden administration is giving it. As you already know, Harvard isn’t exactly a bastion for right-wing thought.

"About 68% of respondents also indicated they believed the president is encouraging illegal immigration. Not too surprisingly, 55% stated they believe former President Donald Trump’s immigration policies should have remained intact."

Donald Trump spotted this 6 years ago.

Harvard suddenly discovers it is an issue.

When he said he was a very stable genius it was not a brag. Just fact.

ITEM 20: The Democrat-Gazette reported, "Pea Ridge officer dies after being struck by vehicle."

The story said, "Kevin Apple, a 23-year police veteran, lay dead in a nearby road after a vehicle ran him over and dragged him as he approached to speak to its occupants."

The story also said, "Shawna Rhae Cash, 22, of Pine Bluff and Elijah Anadoloza Sr., 18, of Bella Vista were arrested in connection with Apple's death. Both were being held in the Benton County Jail on Saturday night on charges of capital murder or attempted capital murder."

Police Lives Matter. If convicted, execute. Society has no use for cop killers, and life in prison seems cruel and unusual.

FINALLY, spam comments have risen exponentially, which means I waste a lot of time cleaning up the mess.

Yesterday, I made a mistake and deleted about 100 legitimate comments.

I may have to pull the plug on comments. Google is no help at all. And I cannot switch to Disqus. Please bear with me.

There are two ways to deal with this: End comments or ignore the spam.

That's the article: Highlights of the News
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