Highlights of the News

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Today is the birthday of the U.S. Army, the U.S. flag, and the best U.S. President of the 21st Century, Donald John Trump.

ITEM 1: The Queen cut the cake for her 95th birthday this weekend. The Donald is not going to top that.

ITEM 2: Agence France-Presse reported, "G7 leaders were on Sunday urged to take urgent action to secure the future of the planet, as they finalized new conservation and emissions targets to curb climate change, and wrapped up a three-day summit where revived Western unity has been on show.

"Veteran environmentalist and broadcaster David Attenborough told the gathering of the world's richest nations the natural world was greatly diminished and inequality was widespread."

Of course they finalized this garbage because this is not science. This is political science, which is the science of implementing communism.

None of this applies to Red China because they want to save the world from capitalism, not pollution. If carbon is evil, let me see the human that has no carbon in him.

ITEM 3: The Daily Mail reported, "While an evening at the beach usually spells flip flops and casual gear, the First Ladies of the G7 didn't disappoint in the glamour stakes as they stepped out in Carbis Bay for a barbecue last night

"Newlywed Carrie Johnson, 33, continued to show her style prowess, swapping the blue power suit she wore earlier in the day for a £295 rented floral dress from Damselfly London, which she teamed with £149 loafers from Air and Grace London.

"Also opting for a blue color scheme was First Lady Jill Biden, who donned a custom-made white dress with a statement butterfly print from Brandon Maxwell, wrapping a blue shawl around her shoulders to keep the chill at bay. 

"While both women opted for breezy style, Emmanuel Macron's wife Brigitte's opted for a more glamorous look in a black dress, believed to be custom-made Louis Vuitton."

Where do these wives of career politicians find the money to dress so well on a civil servant's salary?

We all know the answer.

Red China.

Melania paid for her clothes through the money from the empire her husband built.

ITEM 4The Jerusalem Post reported, "Benjamin Netanyahu’s record-breaking term as prime minister ended on Sunday night when the Knesset voted to approve the new government formed by Yamina leader Naftali Bennett and Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid.

"The new government passed at 8:55 with the support of 60 MKs, while 59 opposed it. Ra’am (United Arab List) MK Saeed Alharomi abstained."

Muslims cast the deciding votes, or in the case of Alharomi the undecided vote.

The post-Bibi era begins. We shall see if Israel really wants to continue to exist under new leadership.

Bibi's supporters heckled the new PM in parliament.

Maybe a broader coalition would have delivered a better prime minister.

ITEM 5: The Washington Times reported, "The largest newspaper in Austin, Texas, declined to publish a physical description of a suspect in the early Saturday mass shooting over concerns that it could be 'harmful in perpetuating stereotypes.'

"The Austin American-Statesman ran an editor’s note Saturday explaining its decision at the end of its ongoing coverage of the late-night shooting at the popular Sixth Street entertainment district that left 14 injured."

The suspect is a black man.

Most multiple shootings are by black men, usually in the poor sections of Chicago and the like.

The only way to stop perpetuating the stereotype is to get black men to stop killing other black men. Affirmative action has not done that. Legalizing drugs has not done that. Ignoring minor crimes has not done that. The media calling riots mostly peaceful protests has not done that. Defunding the police has not done that.

And certainly Fake News by the A.A.S. will not do that.

ITEM 6: Michael Goodwin of the New York Post gave readers his Top 10 list of media lies.

He wrote, "No. 1 is the oldest and biggest: Trump colluded with Russia to win in 2016 and might be a Russian agent. That scam involved crooked FBI agents and led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who took two years to conclude there was no evidence to back the charge. 

"Yet the probe had enormous impact, with the drumbeat of anonymous leaks hampering the Trump agenda and helping Democrats take the House in 2018."

And there you have why the media lies. The lies promote Democrats, and protect the corporate owners of the media outlet from reprisals, such as messy anti-trust lawsuits.

No one is fired. No one apologizes.

This is why the biggest threat to the nation is the media.

ITEM 7: Breitbart reported, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) was a valued member of the Democrat caucus even though she compared the United States and Israel to the Taliban and Hamas."

She said, "Congresswoman Omar is a valued member of our caucus. She asked her questions of the secretary of state. Nobody criticized those, how people will be held accountable if we’re not going to the International Court of Justice. That was a very legitimate question. That was not of concern. Members did become concerned when the tweet that was put out equated the United States with the Taliban and Hamas. And, and then she clarified it. And we thanked her for clarification."

Pelosi is a puppet of her staff, much like Ruth Ginsburg was and Josef Biden is. They have moments of lucidity, but in their dotage, those moments are shorter and further apart. The line of succession is Biden, Kamala, and Nancy.

Historians will compare this time to the 1850s.

Considering those times led to the Civil War, this is not a good thing.

ITEM 8: AL.com reported, "Veteran TV newsman and former University of Alabama football player Christopher Sign died Saturday morning in an apparent suicide, according to police."

The story also said, "While a reporter and morning anchor at ABC affiliate KNXV-TV in Phoenix, Sign broke the story of the June 2016 secret tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch."

Suicide or Arkancide?

You make the call.

ITEM 9: Tribune News Service reported, "Retired Army Lt. Col. Sam Lombardo, an Italian immigrant who came to America at the age of 10 and served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, died Friday at the age of 101.

"A colorful and deeply patriotic presence in Fort Walton Beach for years, participating regularly in events honoring veterans while dressed in his World War II uniform, Lombardo had been under hospice care in Pensacola in the days prior to his passing, according to longtime friend and local restaurateur Tom Rice."

The story said, "Some of the fabric of Lombardo’s life will live on in the National Infantry Museum & Soldier Center at Fort Benning, Ga. On display there is an American flag crafted in the days after World War II’s Battle of the Bulge by Lombardo and his men as they advanced across the German countryside from late 1944 into early 1945.

"In the days after the battle, a last-ditch effort by Adolf Hitler to split the Allied forces arrayed against him that produced heavy American casualties, Lombardo noticed that he hadn’t seen any American flags. Then serving as the executive officer of an infantry company, he asked his company commander for a flag. The request was sent up but denied by headquarters."

Furious, Lombardo and his men made their own flag from curtains and other fabric they found as they battled the Germans.

The story said, "The flag was finished three weeks before World War II ended in Europe on May 8, 1945. Soon after, the soldiers who fashioned the homemade flag would go their separate ways as they were assigned new roles in the Allied occupation of Germany. Lombardo wound up in Nuremberg, preparing the Palace of Justice for the war crimes trials of various Nazis.

"But before they split up, the members of Lombardo’s company called a special formation and presented him with the flag. Some years later, he offered the flag to the Smithsonian Institution, where a kindly curator there dissuaded him from making the donation, explaining the flag would be displayed for just a short time before being relegated to storage. Today, the flag is displayed prominently at the Fort Benning museum."

If we are going to rename Benning after someone who was not a Confederate general, how about Fort Lombardo?

ITEM 10: Page Six reported, "Most rock-star wives like to live the high life – but Rod Stewart’s wife Penny Lancaster isn’t one of them.

"Lancaster, 50, a former lingerie model, photographer and mom of two, recently passed the test to become a City of London police officer.

"She went right to work cleaning up the city streets: while on rounds during her first day, Lancaster was photographed as she caught a yob urinating on the street.

"Armed with handcuffs, a police radio, a taser and a baton, the man was quick to zip up when he saw the blonde beauty marching toward him, according to the UK Sun."

You're in my heart, you're in my soul.
You'll be my cop out on patrol.
You are my lover, you're my best friend.
You're in my soul.

ITEM 11: The Tampa Bay "Politifact" Times reported, "Does the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have the authority to require cruise companies in Florida to take specific measures to prevent the spread of disease? And are its current mandates an unfair burden on the industry?

"Those questions were at the heart of a three-and-a-half hour hearing in federal court Thursday in Tampa over the state of Florida’s request that the court invalidate the federal government’s rules for cruises while a lawsuit against the agency proceeds.

"It was the second hearing on the request. As with the initial hearing, held on May 12, U.S. Middle District of Florida Judge Steven D. Merryday issued no immediate ruling but said he would have a decision soon.

"In the proceeding, Merryday waded into philosophical issues, such as what level of risk is acceptable to cruise passengers and who should make that decision. He also asked the federal lawyers if the government has evidence that masks are effective at limiting the spread of the coronavirus.

"The underlying lawsuit, filed against the Centers for Disease Control by Gov. Ron DeSantis in April, says the agency’s conditional sail order is unfairly targeting the cruise industry with overly burdensome safety rules, and preventing Florida from collecting important tax revenue. The current request calls for immediate action until the lawsuit can be heard."

Merryday is a Bush 41 judge.

He knows calling something science does not make anything science any more than Politifact calling  something true makes it true.

ITEM 12: The Daily Caller reported, "President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management, Tracy Stone-Manning, received legal immunity to testify in a 1993 criminal trial, court documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show. The trial resulted in a 17 month prison sentence for tree spiking, a violent tactic used to prevent logging.

"Stone-Manning testified that she sent an anonymous and threatening letter to the Forest Service in 1989 on behalf of John P. Blount, who she identified as her former roommate and a member of her circle of friends, court documents show. The letter warned that a local forest in Idaho set to be logged had been sabotaged with tree spikes, according to the documents."

Tree spikes can kill a logger when his saw encounters one inside a tree.

Logging is the most dangerous job in America.

The Senate should spike her job application.

ITEM 13: The Register reported, "McDonald’s has been accused of illegally collecting and processing customers' voice recordings without their consent in the US state of Illinois.

"Like so many giant corporations, McDonald’s has turned to AI technology to use computers in place of people. In 2019, it announced it had snapped up a voice-recognition company in Silicon Valley, previously known as Apprente and now McD Tech Labs, to build a voice-controlled chatbot for its drive-thrus.

"Earlier this month, McDonald’s said ten of its restaurants in Chicago, Illinois, are testing this chatbot, and it may permanently replace human workers. As you'd expect, you yell your order at the system from your car, and it takes care of it. The software apparently has an 85% accuracy rate."

Um, since when is recording a person speaking in public illegal?

Methinks the object is to keep robots from replacing workers.

ITEM 14: The Cybersec Report reported, "Social Media platform TikTok has announced it will amend its data privacy policy to enable it to collect and harvest its American users’ biometric data.

"It’s privacy policy now explicitly states that 'We may collect biometric identifiers and biometric information as defined under US laws, such as faceprints and voiceprints, from your User Content.'

"TikTok is being criticized for using broad terminology and has been unable to provide the Verge with sufficient reasoning as to why it needs to collect this biometric information."

President Trump banned TikTok apps.

Josef Biden lifted the ban.

Lefties oppose McDonald's using anonymous voiceprints to enable robots to understand orders for burgers, but leftists are OK with Red China having the personal biometric information on every American.

ITEM 15: Townhall reported, "Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) continued to defend her policy of only letting non-white reporters interview her, saying it started a much-needed conversation.

"Lightfoot said the policy was only for one day, the anniversary of her inauguration, and newsrooms need to do a better job at hiring non-white people."

She said, "Well, the lawsuit is completely frivolous. I’d use a more colorful term if we weren’t on TV. But here’s the thing. I’m the mayor of the third-largest city in the country. I’m an African-American woman, to state the obvious. Every day when I look out across my podium, I don’t see people who look like me. But more to the point, I don’t see people who reflect the richness and diversity of this city."

Lightfoot is not ready for prime time.

She is the first black lesbian to lead a major city. If she is the best black lesbians have to offer, maybe we do not need black lesbian politicians.

ITEM 16: I cannot post about Chicago without mentioning how many people were murdered there so far this year.

Hey Jackass! What's the number?


Great job, Mayor Lightfoot.

ITEM 17: Just the News reported, "A Wisconsin judge has suspended a Biden administration program that funneled debt relief exclusively to nonwhite farmers after the program was the target of a lawsuit by a conservative group and a coalition of farmers. 

"Judge William Griesbach of Wisconsin's Eastern District issued the temporary stay Thursday following a lawsuit filed in April by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty."

Bush 43 judge.

ITEM 18: The Daily Mail reported, "A group of pro-Palestinian protestors burned an Israeli flag outside of Rockefeller Center as they marched through the streets of midtown Manhattan while demonstrating over businesses with ties to Israel.

"The group carrying Palestinian flags and signs saying, 'None of us are free until all of are free,' 'Imagine justice,' and 'We will free Palestine within our lifetime.' They were also filmed chanting: 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'.' Some critics claim that line is anti-Semitic because it appears to call for the destruction of Israel.

"When the group got to Rockefeller Center, the protesters were seen tearing apart an Israeli flag and setting it on fire, and stomping on it, yelling 'Allahu Akbar'. One woman was even filmed kneeling down and spraying more accelerant onto the flag in an apparent attempt to get it to burn faster. 

"Some members of the group were also seen carrying placards saying 'Abolition Now,' in an apparent call to dismantle the police."

Try burning a rainbow flag.

Or a BLM banner.

Or better yet, a Palestinian flag.

New York City is now the anti-Semitic capital of North America.

ITEM 19: Science Alert reported, "Despite infection rates being 15 times higher in Germany during the second wave in October and November, the data showed that resistance to mandatory vaccinations had increased from the first wave in April and May.

"Participants were asked how likely they were to get vaccinated, based on whether the vaccinations were enforced by law or voluntary: During both waves, people were more likely to want to get vaccinated if they didn’t have to, but the gap was bigger the second time around."


ITEM 20: Zero Hedge reported, "An Arizona state Senator has warned US Attorney General Merrick Garland that he'll 'spend time in prison' if he interferes with the 2020 post-election audit, after Garland announced on Friday that the Justice Department will look into whether any federal laws were broken - and claimed the state was employing 'abnormal' methods."

Garland said, "Some jurisdictions, based on disinformation, have utilized abnormal post-election audit methodologies that may put the integrity of the voting process at risk and undermine public confidence in our democracy."

State Rep. Wendy Rogers tweeted, "You will not touch Arizona ballots or machines unless you want to spend time in an Arizona prison. Maybe you should focus on stopping terrorism. The Justice Department is one of the most corrupt institutions in the USA."

Sadly, Rogers is correct.

By the way, as much as readers may dislike Mitch McConnell and the Republican senators, they kept Garland off the Supreme Court.

ITEM 21: The Sun reported, "Kamala Harris annoyed Secret Service agents during a surprise appearance at a Pride parade after refusing to visit the southern border.

"George Conway pointed out that the vice president's Secret Service team was looking irritated when Harris showed up to the DC parade on Saturday."

They were annoyed? Maybe they were worried because they did not get the chance to screen the scene before she arrived.

Conway should spend more time with his troubled family and stay out of politics.

The leftists in the Pride parade heckled her.

ITEM 22: Headline USA reported, "With abortion and guns already on the agenda, the Supreme Court is considering adding a third blockbuster issue — whether to ban consideration of race in college admissions.

"The justices could say as soon as Monday whether they will hear an appeal claiming that Harvard discriminates against Asian American applicants, in a case that could have nationwide repercussions. The case would not be argued until the fall or winter."

Come on.

If after 40-plus years of affirmative action black people have not caught up, another century of affirmative action will not help. Rational, common sense approaches used by some innovative inner city charter schools and private schools have shown how to help poor black students excel, but Progs reject such approaches to protect the corrupt Marxist teachers unions.

FINALLY, the Blaze reported, "Black Lives Matter mutiny: Michael Brown's father joins BLM chapters demanding to know what foundation did with $90 million."

Brown's father wants a $20 million cut of the action.

He does not deserve a dime.

He raised a big-assed bully and thug who tried to kill a cop with his own service revolver.

And BLM is a communist front being run by thugs who pocket much of the money they raise. The leaders get new mansions in gated white communities, while black people have to deal with riot-torn neighborhoods that look like Berlin 1945.

This year marked the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa riots, which led to the destruction of the black shopping district in that town.

99 years from now, Americans will remember last summer not as peaceful protests but as riots that enriched a few BLM leaders at the expense of black America.

That's the article: Highlights of the News
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