Setubun(Feb.3rd)tradition in Japan and Birds;

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Wishing "Demons out! Luck in!" on Feb. 3rd. Setsubun 節分
"鬼は外、福は内; oni ha soto, fuku ha uchi" in Japanese.
     節分"Setubun" Bean-Throwing Festival or Bean-Throwing
Ceremony is the day before the beginning of spring. The two characters literally mean "seasonal division". We also have another term called "Risshun (立春)" celebrated yearly on February 3 as part of the Spring Festival (春祭 haru matsuri). In its association with the Lunar New Year, Spring Setsubun can be and was previously thought of as a sort of New Year's Eve, and so was accompanied by a special ritual to cleanse away all the evil of the former year and drive away disease-bringing evil spirits for the year to come. This special ritual is called mamemaki (豆撒き, literally "bean throwing").

*恵方巻き Good Fortune Sushi Rolls*
Eho-maki (fortune rolls) are futo-maki (thick sushi rolls) eaten on the night of Setsubun. To be related with the Seven Deities of Good Fortune called Shichifukujin, seven fillings are traditionally rolled in a sushi roll. For example, simmered shiitake mushrooms and kanpyo (dried gourd), cucumber, rolled omelet (tamagoyaki), eels, sakura denbu (sweet fish powder), and seasoned koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu) are used. These ingredients represent good health, happiness, and prosperity, and rolling the fillings means good fortune.

*"Sardine" another food on this day; Gift from my husband’s friend
We will eat this gift on 3rd, not today when I took the picture below.
Old days in Japan, people put up small decorations of sardine heads and holly leaves (iwashi. hiragi ) on their house entrances so that bad spirits will not enter. I remember my mother cooked Iwashi on this day. Well, I don't think I have seen this decoration in my area from childhood days p;-) 

* Birds  with Berries of the littleTree in front of my house  *
*Dusky thrush; Pale Thrush; Japanese White-eye; Redstart*
I enjoyed seeing their happy meal time♡♡♡
Berries are almost all gone by now♪ 

Thank you so much for stopping by and sweet comments , catch up with you soon;
  I hope you all had a wonderful start of Feb.

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